Anne Hutchinson's troubled relationship with her missing sister is under alien tribunal. Meanwhile, her new roommate's mysterious illness causes her to go on a cannibalistic killing spree.
Art Direction
Kara, uma enfermeira particular e mãe solteira, se muda para uma casa afastada do conturbado centro para cuidar de um idoso que sofre com esclerose múltipla. As coisas parecem normais até Jesse descobrir uma antiga relíquia na casa, o que se torna o começo de um pesadelo sem fim...
In an attempt to kick his drug habit, Brian heads to his cabin and calls upon his friend Anna for help. When he gets there, Brain is harassed by the local sherif and haunted by the ghosts in his cabin.
Executive Producer
In an attempt to kick his drug habit, Brian heads to his cabin and calls upon his friend Anna for help. When he gets there, Brain is harassed by the local sherif and haunted by the ghosts in his cabin.
In an attempt to kick his drug habit, Brian heads to his cabin and calls upon his friend Anna for help. When he gets there, Brain is harassed by the local sherif and haunted by the ghosts in his cabin.
Brian Barnes
In an attempt to kick his drug habit, Brian heads to his cabin and calls upon his friend Anna for help. When he gets there, Brain is harassed by the local sherif and haunted by the ghosts in his cabin.
Visual Effects
A Horror Short
A Horror Short
Executive Producer
A Horror Short
A Horror Short
A Horror Short
The Clown
A Horror Short
Prop Maker
Alexandre é um garoto de 11 anos que enfrenta o pior dia de sua vida. Primeiro, ele acorda com chiclete grudado em seu cabelo. Na hora de se vestir, ele tropeça e deixa cair sua malha na pia cheia de água. No café da manhã, seus irmãos encontram belos prêmios na caixa de cereal, mas Alexander não encontra nada. O resto do dia reserva muitas outras más notícias e acontecimentos ruins.