Director of Photography
In 2021, an extreme heatwave gave rise to huge wildfires in the vast subarctic forests of Sakha, a northeastern republic in Siberia. The village of Shologon lies in this taiga landscape, shrouded in orange smoke and black ash. The forest is burning and the flames are approaching fast.
Director of Photography
In the 50s and 60s, deep in the American countryside at the foot of the Catskills, a small wooden house with a barn behind it was home to the first clandestine network of cross-dressers. Diane and Kate are now 80 years old. At the time, they were men and part of this secret organization. Today, they relate this forgotten but essential chapter of the early days of trans-identity. It is a story full of noise and fury, rich in extraordinary characters, including the famous Susanna, who had the courage to create this refuge that came to be known as Casa Susanna.
Vicky mora com sua mãe Joanne e seu pai Jimmie, um homem lutando para encontrar seu lugar. Quando a tia de Vicky, Julia, chega após ser libertada da prisão, sua presença traz de volta o passado de uma forma violenta e mágica.
Vicky mora com sua mãe Joanne e seu pai Jimmie, um homem lutando para encontrar seu lugar. Quando a tia de Vicky, Julia, chega após ser libertada da prisão, sua presença traz de volta o passado de uma forma violenta e mágica.
Director of Photography
Vicky mora com sua mãe Joanne e seu pai Jimmie, um homem lutando para encontrar seu lugar. Quando a tia de Vicky, Julia, chega após ser libertada da prisão, sua presença traz de volta o passado de uma forma violenta e mágica.
Dive into these exciting short films from France, Lithuania and the UK that explore the hopes, loves, aspirations and even the darker side of girls on the cusp of adulthood.
Director of Photography
France, 15th century. A strange evil has taken hold of the inhabitants of a village, causing insomnia, tremors, and hallucinations. Little Wolf arrives in the village with his parents. His father, the executioner Simon, has been called in to help Toussaint, the local executioner who has also been affected by the disease.
Director of Photography
Paris, 13º arrondissement, bairro de Olympiades. Emilie encontra Camille, que se sente atraído por Nora, que acaba cruzando caminhos com Amber. Três garotas e um garoto. Eles são amigos, às vezes amantes, frequentemente os dois.
Director of Photography
It’s an icy cold winter in Ulaanbaatar. Abel, a young French cartographer living in Mongolia, goes to a seminar with his new colleagues. After an evening of drinking, he wakes up in a camp of yurts out in the steppe, alone. Lost, he decides to take to the road in the biting cold. Luckily, he is picked up by a gang of nomadic bikers who dig gold illegally and shoot drones: real ninjas.
Director of Photography
Em uma rua de Paris, um desconhecido pensa reconhecer em Joachim um soldado que morreu na Bósnia em 21 de agosto de 1983. Acontece que foi exatamente nesse dia que Joachim nasceu: 21 de agosto de 1983! Pensando que poderia ser a reencarnação desse homem, ele decide ir a Sarajevo para descobrir.
Director of Photography
Sasha é uma menina de 8 anos como qualquer outra: adora dançar, brincar e imaginar. A única diferença é que ela nasceu um menino. Neste tocante documentário, conhecemos a jornada de uma menina transgênero e sua família pela aceitação.
Director of Photography
Emma e Anaïs são inseparáveis e, no entanto, tudo as opõe. Adolescentes segue o percurso delas desde os 13 anos até à maioridade. Cinco anos de vida onde chocam-se transformações radicais e primeiras experiências. Aos 18 anos de ambas, pode-se perguntar que tipo de mulheres se tornarão e como evoluirá a amizade das duas.
Director of Photography
Algeria desert, 1961. France just detonated an atomic bomb. A patrol of seven soldiers is sent to ground zero to take samples and measure the current radioactivity. The more they advance, the more they perceive that they are entering a dangerous uncharted territory: the future…
Director of Photography
Jeanne raises her 9-year-old daughter, Mylène, on her own and dreams about their next trip to the sea.
Director of Photography
Revolves around the relationship between a gambling addict and a young woman who falls madly in love with him and will stop at nothing to win his heart.
Director of Photography
When a wolf kills sheep herds and motivates huge nocturnal hunts, Antoine returns with his girlfriend Diane in the mining town where he grew up. In order to facilitate the reconversion of the mine, he must expropriate Isère, his recalcitrant childhood friend.
Director of Photography
Give it time. You'll get over it. Jean celebrates his birthday, gets drunk and recalls the dreadful weekend that led to his break-up with Mathilde.
Director of Photography
Alex is fifteen years old. Back from boarding school for the weekend, he reconnects with his little country village and his family, a family which seems to care more for its dogs than for Alex. This of course annoys him. He's better off without them. He's better off down at the cross-country motorbike track with Kader and the turning bikes. But he's obliged to take his grandmother's dog with him and it disappears into the forest.
Ava, 13 anos, está de férias no litoral quando descobre que vai perder a visão mais rápido do que o esperado. Sua mãe decide agir como se nada estivesse acontecendo para aproveitarem o melhor verão de suas vidas. Ava confronta o problema à sua maneira: ela voa em um cão preto e grande que pertence a um jovem homem em fuga…
Director of Photography
Ava, 13 anos, está de férias no litoral quando descobre que vai perder a visão mais rápido do que o esperado. Sua mãe decide agir como se nada estivesse acontecendo para aproveitarem o melhor verão de suas vidas. Ava confronta o problema à sua maneira: ela voa em um cão preto e grande que pertence a um jovem homem em fuga…
Director of Photography
An immigrant worker renovates a flat. Young men reflect on their existence.
Director of Photography
11-year-old Ena meets a young fisherman in a port. He gives her an eel and they arrange to meet the following Sunday on the other side of the lake. She has to be there.
11-year-old Ena meets a young fisherman in a port. He gives her an eel and they arrange to meet the following Sunday on the other side of the lake. She has to be there.
Director of Photography
Julien, 30, works as a tourist guide at the Père Lachaise cemetery in Paris over the summer. In an alley of the cemetery he runs into Ada, whom he was very much in love with and has not seen for a year.
Director of Photography
No calor escaldante de julho, dois adolescentes de 14 anos estão entediados e querem fugir. Victor e Thomas decidem visitar uma ponte abandonada. Eles logo terão que confrontar seus medos e desejos mais secretos.
On the heights of Los Angeles, Nathan, 18, dreams of Hollywood. He seems to be trapped in the strange house he lives in.