Héctor Paredes


The Greatest House in the World
Production Manager
Rocio, a Maya Mam girl, lives in the mountains with her mother, who is pregnant and her granny. Due to an early delivery from her mother, Rocio is stuck with caring for a herd of sheep, the first time she has done it on her own. Playing in the mountains she loses one of the sheep. Looking for it, she will lose the rest of the herd. In the midst of this tragedy, Rocio will have to face her innocence, conquer her fear of fog and learn that freedom entails responsibility. Nature will teach her that you do not have to defeat your fears, you just have to experience them. The Greatest House in the World is a story of children -which we all are- when facing fears, the unknown, the uncertain... the fog.
Todos os Seus Mortos
Numa manhã de domingo, Salvador vai trabalhar em sua plantação de milho e dá de cara com uma montanha de cadáveres. Assustado, vai até a cidade para alertar as autoridades sobre o massacre. Mas é dia de eleição e o prefeito e o chefe de polícia decidem não fazer alarde. Com medo de um escândalo nacional, eles vão tentar resolver o problema discretamente. Enquanto isso, o calor vai aumentando e o cheiro dos corpos na plantação de Salvador vai ficando cada vez mais difícil de se ignorar. Vencedor do prêmio de melhor direção de fotografia no Sundance Film Festival 2011.
Violet Perfume
Art Department Assistant
A poignant and moving urban drama, focusing on the growing problem of sexual assault in Mexico City. Director Sistach fictionalizes the true story of a friendship between two adolescent girls which is torn apart when one of them is brutally raped.