Jennifer Sofio Hall


Executive Producer
Have you ever wondered if you could be a hero? Would you hide an entire family? Who would hide you if YOU needed to be hidden? I am the daughter of Holocaust survivor and the questions I ask myself all the time are: "would I be here if my mother hadn't been hidden?" and "who else helped my mother and her siblings survive?"
A História do Cinema Negro nos EUA
Executive Producer
O historiador e crítico cultural Elvis Mitchell traça a evolução e a revolução do cinema negro, de suas origens ao impacto dos filmes da década de 70.
Jennifer Lopez: Halftime
Neste documentário intimista, a estrela Jennifer Lopez reflete sobre a carreira multifacetada e a pressão de viver sob os holofotes.
O Pai da Black Music
Executive Producer
O documentário explora a vida e o legado do executivo da música, empresário e produtor cinematográfico americano, Clarence Avant.
An Interstellar x Google Play collaboration. Building off the themes of Interstellar, this short film weaves submissions from people around the world into a story celebrating the human experience on Earth. Directed by David Brodie and creative directed by Angus Wall, the film will serve as a time capsule that shows future generations what life on Earth was like, should we leave this planet.