In a dystopian world, a bounty hunter sets out to capture a ruthless band of outlaws who have kidnapped an important father and daughter through a world of multiverses. Unbeknownst to the Outlaws and the Bounty Hunter is that another, more powerful man known only as The Finisher has plans of his own.
Mr. Stucky
O filme conta a história de uma jovem garota – interpretada por Baillee Madison – que sonha em encontrar seu pai um dia, um cowboy de rodeios. Enquanto procura por seu pai, ela se junta a um time de meninas que treinam montaria, treinadas por uma antiga estrela de rodeio, interpretado por James Cromwell.
After his father's untimely suicide, Cufe leaves his home in a Native American reservation in search of a more fulfilling life.
Tony Templeman
A 12 year old gets cancer. She becomes a fighter, not only for herself but her father as well. It will tear the faith of both of them and their mother as well.
J. L. Mitchell
A businessman creates a horde of zombie killers. They massacre a platoon of soldiers, and the only survivor teams up with a group of teenage campers to fight them.