Don Plumley


Penn & Teller Get Killed
Ticket Agent #1
Penn & Teller enjoy playing jokes on each other. When Penn says on an interview show that he wishes he has someone threatening his life so that he "wouldn't sweat the small stuff," each of them begins a series of pranks on the other to suggest a real threat. Then they find that a real psychopath is interested in them.
Frederick Douglass: An American Life
This director's cut of the William Greaves' documentary short film dramatizes the life and deeds of the noted abolitionist Frederick Douglass.
Hanky Panky
Club Member #1
The complete innocent, Michael Jordon, is drawn into a web of secrecy and government secrets when a girl carrying a mysterious package gets into a taxi with him. When she is later murdered, Michael is the chief suspect and on the run.
Na Época do Ragtime
Inspector McNeil
Um jovem pianista negro se envolve na vida de uma família branca de classe alta que vive entre as tensões raciais, a infidelidade, a violência e outros eventos nostálgicos no início do século XX em Nova York. A história se passa na década de 1910 em Nova York. Coalhouse Walker Jr. é um pianista negro. Ele ganhou fama e fortuna tocando com uma banda de jazz. Alguns homens brancos não gostam dessa situação, e um dia eles o agridem e estragam seu novo carro. Walker tenta por todos os meios obter justiça, sem uma resposta. (e 16 - Estimado 16 Anos)
A Vida Íntima de um Político
Clerk at Golf Resort
Respected liberal Senator Joe Tynan is asked to to lead the opposition to a Supreme Court appointment. It means losing an old friend and fudging principles to make the necessary deals, as well as further straining his already part-time family life. But it could be a big boost to his career, so he takes it on. Helping him prepare the case is pretty southern researcher Karen Traynor, and their developing relationship further complicates and compromises his life.