Kevin Draine


O Submarino Nazista Desaparecido
Himself - Narrator
Em 1945, o submarino nazista U-745 desapareceu misteriosamente. Agora, uma equipe de mergulhadores embarca em uma viagem profunda nas águas geladas do Báltico para desvendar o que realmente aconteceu com a embarcação.
Two Men
- I met the first man when I was on my way to an event at Veteran's of Foreign Wars Hall. Was helped out from the party by two good friends. I had forgotten all about those guys.
Heartbreak Hospital
Neely, an aspiring actress, gets a role on the popular soap opera "Heartbreak Hospital." Her neighbor, Lottie, a huge fan of the show, can't differentiate between fiction and reality, and her obsession and jealousy endanger Neely and the rest of the cast.
Campfire Tales
A grizzled derelict tells a quartet of horror tales to a trio of young campers.