Lorne Hiro


Cooking Up Love
Enrique / Taco Truck Driver
On a lark, Zoey rents a food truck and enters a reality TV competition. Heat rises between her and the handsome founder of a fast food chain, but when Zoey finds out he’s a judge in the contest, things quickly fizzle. Zoey’s determined to win fair and square and she suspects ‘Mr-Too-Good-To-Be-True’ is really after her sauce recipe, not her heart.
Kidnap Capital
Imagine leaving everything you have, everyone you know, everyone you love, behind. Having to cross half a continent on foot, atop freight trains, inside truck trailers. Swimming across wild rivers. Crossing borders illegally. Walking across the Arizona desert. Being shot at, robbed and beaten. Raped. Surviving it all. Crossing into the USA, after life in the poorest parts of Central America. Succeeding. Now. In the “promised” land, you don’t belong, legally; or socially. You don’t understand the language. No one knows you arrived, no one knows you exist. Imagine…. being Nobody. Then imagine a bag being shoved over your head. Getting your clothes stripped from you. Getting tossed in a closed room with a dozen others. A loaded gun is pointed at your head. You are forced to call back home and beg for money, a ransom for your life.
Pickpocket Paula
Uma história provocativa entre um teen suburbano agitado, e Butch, um aventureiro da rua, nas vésperas do seu 18º aniversário. Butch desafia Cliff’s para uma aventura , expondo-o a um mundo diferente que pode muda-lo para sempre.