Evangelo Kioussis


American Star
Executive Producer
An assassin on a final assignment in Fuerteventura, to kill a man he has never met. When his target is delayed, he finds himself drawn to the island, people and a ghostly shipwreck. Instead of following protocol he stays. But when the target returns, the world has shifted. Before everything was simple, now nothing is.
Summit Fever
Executive Producer
Um sonho ousado de escalar o trio de montanhas mais desafiador do mundo logo se transforma em um pesadelo aterrorizante para um grupo de amigos quando uma tempestade mortal prende os alpinistas perto do cume e corta todas as esperanças de resgate. Com as probabilidades contra eles, os amigos são forçados a confiar uns nos outros para se salvarem por qualquer meio necessário.
Executive Producer
For a guy who grew up thinking only of Australian Rules football, it’s almost an accident that Shane Warne became the greatest cricketer of a generation, and one of the greats of all time. Mastering the difficult art of spin bowling after being kicked out of football for not being a good enough player proved a pivotal choice for 19 year old Shane – declared unfit and fat, he transformed himself. When success came, so did fame and adulation, money and prestige but a betting scandal, drugs scandal, and affairs that cost him his marriage, threatened his career. From the lows of a 12 month ban he rebuilt his cricket, his career, and his reputation as one of the most ferocious competitors on the planet, admired and revered by millions.
Um Romance nas Entrelinhas
A história não contada do fascinante envolvimento amoroso entre a lendária escritora Virginia Woolf e a socialite e autora popular Vita Sackville-West.
Deixe Queimar
A surreal road movie about a partially deaf teenager hitting the road in a beat up Lada to find the father who abandoned him at birth. The stunning feature film debut of acclaimed commercials writer/director Rob Sanders.
After an unknown event, the world has changed forcing people to return to a simpler way of life. We follow the leadership trials of the Varosha Tribe with Eiren, Ares and Thade all in line to lead the next generation of their colony. The three embark on a journey away from the safety of their home towards a remote forest and current leader Nus - who will choose his successor by trial. But when their trial is interrupted by the arrival of another tribe, their courage, friendship and loyalty will be tested in conditions far more dangerous than they expected.
O Corridor
Story Editor
Tyler Crawley precisa do apoio de seus amigos mais do que nunca, por isso, decidiu preparar um fim de semana com os colegas de infância de se reconectar com aquela velha amizade que parece danificada pela passagem do tempo. O vínculo entre amigos foi arrefecimento ao longo dos anos e parece ter diminuído a capacidade de compreensão. No entanto, ele está convencido de que, se você passar alguns dias com eles gozando de um orgias e coisas divertidas será como antes, mas errado.
Terminal Lunch
Terminal Lunch is the story of Red Braid, a young delinquent overcome with guilt as he flees from a parking lot mugging gone awry. When he tries to leave on the next train out of town, he discovers the man sitting near him at the terminal's lunch counter is a serial killer. The unexpected encounter puts a kink in his plans and thrusts him into a potentially dangerous moral dilemma. Should he risk exposing his own crimes to stop the killer, or should he live with the guilt of letting a madman go free?
Chief of Station
After learning that the death of his wife was not an accident, a former CIA Station Chief is forced back into the espionage underworld, teaming up with an adversary to unravel a conspiracy that challenges everything he thought he knew.
The true story of Lucy Schwob and Suzanne Malherbe – two surrealist artists, and stepsisters and lovers, who launched the campaign of resistance against the Nazi occupation of the island of Jersey – a self-governing dependency of the British crown – during the Second World War.