Those interned in a psychiatric establishment are involved in a police issue.
Terrifying story, based on a fact occurred in Buenos Aires, early 1967, and reported in "La Nación" and all the other newspapers, after the death of a woman interned at the Instituto de Detención para Mujeres (Detention Centre for Women). Doctor Vallejos, the magistrate in charge of the inquest, gets enmeshed in personal intrigue, organized corruption, lust and vice in which apparently all the penitentiary personnel and an organized gang of dangerous inmates are involved, operating withing the prison itself.
After his wife's death, widower begins to learn details about a double life she led.
In an institution for the blind, a man rails against his misfortune, his energy and thinking distorted by a need to fight his blindness. Unhappy and unable to come to grips with his condition, he stirs a sympathetic chord in another blind inmate. She in turn, slowly enters into a relationship with him that starts to transform the ways he perceives himself and his blindness.
O filme que consagrou Leopoldo Torre-Nilsson junto à crítica internacional, quando foi apresentado no Festival de Cannes de 1957. É talvez o seu filme mais claustrofóbico e aquele em que a lembrança dos ângulos de câmara insólitos à Orson Welles é mais nítida. Quase inteiramente situado numa grande vivenda, descreve o despertar do desejo sexual de uma jovem, atraída por um homem adulto, numa sociedade reprimida e repressora, da qual a jovem não se libertará.