Michel Nabokoff
Nascimento : 1973-01-02, Soignies, Hainaut, Belgium
Willing to risk it all, an unscrupulous art dealer and his socially-awkward painter and longtime friend develop an extreme and ludicrous plan to save themselves.
Leonid Kadnikov
Transferida para casa depois de uma missão traumatizante, uma soldado francesa usa suas habilidades letais para caçar o homem que feriu sua irmã.
For Goran and his team of amateur shooters, the plan was almost perfect: to enter a hypermarket at night to rob a jeweler. But these "broken arms" had not anticipated the arrival of a vigil like no other: Walter, a former African warlord who will send them to hell .
Advisor (credit only)
Unidas pelo assassinato acidental do patrão abusivo, as funcionárias da fábrica de atum enlatado Sandra, Marilyn e Nadine encontram uma mala cheia de dinheiro no corpo do defunto. As três estão desesperadamente precisando de grana, e decidem roubar o dinheiro e se livrar do cadáver, enlatando-o. O que poderia ter sido um plano perfeito, transforma-se em uma terrível confusão, quando os gângsteres donos do dinheiro aparecem, e as latas com os restos mortais vão para uma instituição de caridade.
Directeur de collège
Agathe Langlois, Parisian until the end of the nails well varnishes, is delighted: she is going to be confirmed as a professor of English. The happiness of the good news will not last as she learns that she is deployed to the countryside.
When a pandemic strikes the world, Victor and his family get stuck within a hippie community.
Le père de famille
Ernest Krakenkrick and Bachir Bouzouk are about to become pilots in the French army. But after the bad consequences of a test undertaken with the centrifuge, they are forced to give up their dream. They are eventually given the position of baggage handler at Orly-West Airport in Paris. But one night, there is a hostage-taking in the airport and the "Moustachious", a group of terrorists, take hold of the control tower.
Harry Applefish, an isolated belgian spy, paranoid, willing to fight foreign forces to serve his country, is disturbed in his daily activities by two men seeking for a job. Their presence in Harry's secret hole transform him in the most extreme ways. Harry slowly looses control in a series of misunderstandings that lead to a chaotic, absurd situation. He is convinced of being the victim of a major conspiracy lead by his chief, Mister Brain.
Psychiatrist n°1
Alexis, a very stingy person, saves his friend for the sole purpose of recovering his debt. But when a woman attends this scene, she takes him for the hero he is not.
M. Tordjman - le voisin
A doutora Barbara (Louise Bourgoin) conhece o atraente Nicolas (Pio Marmaï) na locadora de vídeos onde ele trabalha. Os dois sentem uma forte atração um pelo outro e iniciam um relacionamento. Arrebatados pela paixão, o casal recém formado decide ter um filho. Porém, antes mesmo do bebê vir ao mundo, o romance se desfaz. Barbara fica sozinha e vai ter de se preparar para ser mãe solteira.