Péter Bárnai

Péter Bárnai


Péter Bárnai


Passage House
People say the true love lasts longer than life, but they don't mean it, and they are right: love ends when life does, except if it isn't.
Szirmai Zoltán
Baseado em eventos reais, este thriller psicológico se passa na Hungria da década de 1960, quando uma série de assassinatos chocam a pequena cidade de Martfü. Um assassino psicótico está à espreita, que continua a matar jovens, enquanto um inocente é acusado e condenado por crimes que ele nunca poderia ter cometido. Um detetive determinado chega no local e logo fica obcecado com o caso, enquanto o promotor o pressiona para que alguém seja condenado.
Caça Mortal
Alina barátja
Nas florestas da Transilvânia, um grupo de caçadores de elite vive um pesadelo medonho quando uma pessoa da localidade é alvejada por acidente e é dada como morta.
The Sun Street Boys
Some of the most symbolic moments of the 1956 Revolution in Hungary were the tooth-and-nail battles fought by the so-called 'Pest Lads' who dared to defy odds by taking on the panzers of one of the world's superpowers. The story begins on October 23rd, 1956 and ends on November 4th of the same year. Juli is Totya's girlfriend but also loves Gábor. Their love triangle will have to endure the trials and tribulations of these stirring times. A group of boys living in the outskirts of the capital are playing football in abandoned lot when Juli, a ticket inspector, brings news of protests breaking out in the city. Only Gábor accompanies her into town and together they become part of this historical event. At dawn, when the boys too come under fire from Soviet forces, they decide to join in the fight.