Alexis Gaetano


Alexis Gaetano began studying dance at the age of two and teaching and choreographing at age 13. This accomplished young woman, age 23, is the owner of a ballet school called Mossa School of Dance located in Rochester, NY. She has worked in various roles with her mom Sandy Arena, and also as the founder and owner of Mossa Dance.  She has served as the principle dancer, writer, director and choreographer for several full length ballets including Creation, Diamonds, The Tale of Three Trees, Snow White, The Christmas Shoes, the Wizard of Oz, Grinch, What Cancer Cannot Do, Twas the Night Before Christmas and Cinderella. She has an extensive musical theater and vocal background. She began choreographing and performing with The Life Ballet with her mother Sandy Arena at age 16. She dances the lead role of   "Sarah" in The Life Ballet and our latest "Arise Sweet Sarah", and is acclaimed for her skill and sensitivity to portray a woman whose life has been deeply affected by abortion. 


Arise Sweet Sarah
Through the beauty, gentleness and power of original score, dance, symbolism and true testimony, Arise Sweet Sarah - the feature length film - shares a message of life and healing in the aftermath of abortion. One in three women of childbearing age will abort by age 45, and these statistics are not exempt in the church.