A suburban English telenovela. At her mother's funeral, Becky Hello is shocked to discover that her father has already found a new fiancé. Is it true love, or is she after the family inheritance?
Prestes a ser assaltada, Sam vê uma bola de fogo cair do céu e destroir um carro. Assustada, ela foge do local e se depara com um ser estranho surgindo dos destroços e atacando Moses, membro da gangue local, formada por adolescentes. Para se vingar, Moses e seu bando matam a criatura e a levam para o prédio que usam de quartel general, chefiado pelo cruel gangster Hi-Hatz. Com a vinda de uma nova onda de ataques, Sam se une a Moses e o resto da gangue para salvar suas vidas e proteger o prédio.
A timid, insecure popular author with an overly-attentive professor husband decide to write an erotic novel. With encouragement from her sister and a bi-sexual friend, she goes to France with the intent of doing research at an inn where a diary she had been using documented erotic encounters. Instead she finds the inn is now a cloister for singing nuns. However, a young, divorced sound engineer is also there taping the nuns. While attracted, she mostly succumbs only to new fantasies until he follows her home to New York.