A hot-tempered father with a sordid past learns that his daughter has a rare illness and he doesn't have the resources to pay for treatment. He finds himself faced with a choice, return to life in the streets or continue on a path of faith.
Loki, o irmão de Thor, ganha acesso ao poder ilimitado do cubo cósmico ao roubá-lo de dentro das instalações da S.H.I.E.L.D. Nick Fury, o diretor desta agência internacional que mantém a paz, logo reúne os únicos super-heróis que serão capazes de defender a Terra de ameaças sem precedentes. Homem de Ferro, Capitão América, Hulk, Thor, Viúva Negra e Gavião Arqueiro formam o time dos sonhos de Fury, mas eles precisam aprender a colocar os egos de lado e agir como um grupo em prol da humanidade.
Clearview Incorporated has perfected backward time travel, and is ready to send people BACK IN TIME. So far customers seem reticent. Is it the cost? The risk? The company offers a special promotional gig where people can go back to a key moment in their lives, and hopefully make peace with that moment in some way. Twenty-one regrets were submitted anonymously by real people and then performed and elaborated on by improvisational actors who played the people desperate to travel back to that one moment. The short film is a meditation on memory and regret and the ways that it keeps on shaping our lives.