Outi Hyytinen

Nascimento : 1959-01-01,


The Joyboys Story
A mockumentary about a fictional Finnish boy band The Joyboys.
Frozen Heart
In this gloomy scenario about Finland's upcoming membership in the European Union, the country has become a poor peripheral area plagued by energy shortages and civil wars. Escaping the city to his summer cottage with his children and a lady next door, a divorced university teacher is forced to pick up a young delirious woman from the roadside. He soon falls in love with her, only to find out she is a sought-after deserter from a violent guerilla army.
Cowboys de Leningrado Vão para a América
Assistant Editor
The Leningrad Cowboys, a group of Siberian musicians, and their manager, travel to America seeking fame and fortune. As they cross the country, trying to get to a wedding in Mexico, they are followed by the village idiot, who wishes to join the band.
The Moonlight Sonata
Assistant Editor
A female fashion model Anni Stark takes leave from the fashion business and goes to Finland's Lapland for a vacation. Little does she know that there's a totally lunatic bunch of local hillbillies living in a nearby farmhouse. The plot thickens as one of the residents begins to harass Anni, who is left alone in the wilderness with only her dog to protect her. Too bad for her that her dog turns out to have divided loyalties.
Assistant Editor
Taisto Kasurinen trabalha numa mina de carvão que passa por graves problemas. Seu pai comete suicídio e ele acaba sendo preso por um crime que não cometeu. Na cadeia, ele começa a sonhar em começar uma nova vida em outro país e planeja escapar da prisão.