Based on the filmmaker's collection of newspaper cuttings the film presents private moments that give strange glimpses into everyday life.
DCS Sinmans
In the aftermath of the Guildford and Woolwich pub bombings, a large number of people of Irish descent were rounded up for questioning by the police in London. Most were subsequently released. But for the Maguire family, 3 December 1974 was the start of a nightmare that is only now ending.
James Carlisle is a successful architect who sees his children every weekend following his divorce from Lyn. When Lyn falls in love with the unstable Bernard, James is forced to take drastic action.
Twins June and Jennifer Gibbons speak only to each other in a language of their own creation. As young teens, they commit a violent crime. After 14 years in Broadmoor Psychiatric Institution, freedom visits them in a mysterious way.
Nick Rivers é um cantor americano que vai até a antiga Alemanha para participar de um show que unirá vários talentos mundiais. Só que, na verdade, esse show serve como pano de fundo contra um ataque à submarinos aliados. Durante a confusão, ele conhece e se apaixona por Hillary Flammond, uma das pessoas que faz a Resistência Francesa.
Sherlock Holmes is drawn into the case of Jack the Ripper who is killing prostitutes in London's East End. Assisted by Dr. Watson, and using information provided by a renowned psychic, Robert Lees, Holmes finds that the murders may have its roots in a Royal indiscretion and that a cover-up is being managed by politicians at the highest level, all of whom happen to be Masons.
Von Below
Baseada em testemunhas oculares, o filme acompanha os últimos dias de Hitler (Alec Guinness) antes de ter cometido suicídio, percorrendo desde os momentos em que passou no bunker com seus capangas militares até sua relação conturbada com Eva Braun (Doris Kunstmann).
Mr Swindon
A series of six short films concerning the adventures of form 2B and their inventive science master, Mr Potter