Eduardo Ciannelli

Eduardo Ciannelli

Nascimento : 1889-08-30,

Morte : 1969-10-08


Eduardo Ciannelli, sometimes credited as Edward Ciannelli, (30 August 1889 - 8 October 1969), was an Italian baritone and character actor with a long career in American films, mostly playing gangsters and criminals. Description above from the Wikipedia article Eduardo Ciannelli, licensed under CC-BY-SA, full list of contributors on Wikipedia.


Eduardo Ciannelli


Red Hot Shot
Frank was removed from an investigation into Mac Brown, the owner of a pharmaceutical company, who was suspected of drug trafficking and illegal experiments on teenagers. When Brown is murdered, Frank is called to investigate...
A Colina dos Homens Maus
Governor Boone / Moore
Honey Fisher se tornou um homem poderoso em uma pequena cidade do Oeste, que cresceu em uma rica região de exploração de ouro. Fisher e sua gangue controlam o dinheiro e a área das minas de ouro através de trapaças, assassinatos e terror. A comunidade oprimida chama Cat Stevens (Terence Hill) para ajudá-los. Cat sabe que não conseguirá derrotar a gangue sozinho e chama seu parceiro Hutch Bessy (Bud Spencer) e Tom, um artista de circo que tem bons motivos para querer se vingar dos criminosos.
Mission: Impossible vs. the Mob
Jack Rycher
The first film based on the television series MISSION: IMPOSSIBLE, consisting of a compilation of a two-part episode of the original series from 1967 called THE COUNCIL.
Don Andrea
A rich, jet-setting playboy has a secret life: he's also a professional Mafia hitman. When he decides it's time to retire from that life, he finds that his former employers don't like the idea that someone who knows so much about them won't be under their control anymore, and decide to send their own hitmen to eliminate him.
O Ouro de Mackenna
Prairie Dog
Ao cavalgar pelo deserto o delegado Mackenna (Gregory Peck), é alvo de tiros dados por um velho chefe Apache. Ao responder aos tiros, MacKenna acaba ferindo mortalmente o velho índio. Antes de morrer, o chefe lhe dá um antigo mapa que, segundo ele, traz o segredo da localização do vale do ouro. Mas o alerta que, ao encontrar o veio de ouro, despertará a fúria de antigos deuses... Ele não acredita no velho e joga o mapa no fogo. Mas grava o desenho na memória... O bandido Colorado (Omar Sharif) sequestra McKenna, pois acredita que ele é a única pessoa viva que conhece o tortuoso caminho para o vale do ouro... Ao longo da jornada, novos personagens se juntam a esta busca...
O Segredo de Santa Vitória
Bombolini é um bêbado bastante inútil na pequena cidade italiana de Santa Vittoria nos últimos dias da Segunda Guerra Mundial. Quando chega a notícia de que o governo fascista se rendeu, ele sobe na torre de água para derrubar a bandeira. Depois que subiu fica com medo da altura e não consegue descer. Então alguém da multidão começa a gritar o seu nome para lhe dar confiança. O conselho fascista da cidade ouve isso e acredita que ele é o novo líder da cidade. Eles se rendem a ele e o transformam no novo prefeito. Ele assume o cargo e quando descobre que os alemães planejam ocupar sua cidade e tomar seu vinho (mais de um milhão de garrafas), ele cria um plano para esconder todas as garrafas.
Sangue de Irmãos
Don Peppino
The son of a powerful Mafia don comes home from his army service in Vietnam and wants to lead his own life, but family tradition, intrigues and powerplays involving his older brother dictate otherwise, and he finds himself being slowly drawn back into that world.
O Espião do Chapéu Verde
Arturo 'Fingers' Stilletto
"Spy in the Green Hat, The (1966)" on the other hand, is both exciting AND funny. Especially the scene where Napoleon Solo (Robert Vaughn) hides from THRUSH agents under a young woman's (the incredibly cute Letícia Román) bed and is caught by the woman's grandmother (Penny Santon), who is forcing Solo to marry the young woman. He successfully escapes, but is hunted by a legion of stereotyped Italian gangsters. Now that's comedy.
Caçada Humana
Party Guest (uncredited)
O xerife Calder (Marlon Brando) tem problemas a resolver numa cidadezinha quando Bubber (Robert Redford) foge da prisão e é acusado de assassinato. O problema é que o filho do magnata de petróleo Val Rogers (E.G. Marshall) está tendo um caso com a esposa de Bubber, que acabou de escapar da prisão, e Rogers quer Bubber fora do caminho para poder encobrir o caso do filho. Só que Calder quer achar o prisioneiro vivo e não quer ceder ao magnata do petróleo.
Massacre At Grand Canyon
Eric Dancer
After a search for his father's killers, Wes Evans returns home only to find himself involved in a bloody land dispute.
A Visita
Innkeeper (uncredited)
Carla Zachanassian had a child by Serge Miller as a teenager. When Serge refused to marry her, she was driven out of town. By her own wit and cunning, she has returned as a multi-millionaire for a visit. The town lays out the red carpet expecting big things from Carla, only to learn that her sole purpose is to see Serge Miller killed...
The Killers of Mussolini
Marshal Graziani
As the Salo Republic crumbles around him, Mussolini, along with his mistress and several of his ministers flee with retreating Nazi soldiers, but are caught at the town of Dongo by red partisans. All are brutally executed without trial.
Tentação Morena
Arturo Zaccardi
Um viúvo, seus três filhos pequenos e uma babá deslumbrante se conhecem melhor quando as circunstâncias os mantêm juntos a bordo de uma casa flutuante muito maltratada. Tom Winters, um viúvo, está tentando entender e criar sozinho três crianças precoces. Ele recebe uma pequena ajuda inesperada de Cinzia, quando as crianças decidem que ela será a nova babá. Na verdade ela é realmente uma socialite italiana que está tentando fugir de seu pai superprotetor. (e Livre - Estimado Livre)
Escravos do Amor das Amazonas
Exploradores da selva amazônica são capturados por uma tribo de mulheres e usados como "escravos do amor".
Monster from Green Hell
A test rocket carrying wasps to outer space, to study the effects on them of weightlessness and radiations, crashes out of control back to Earth, into the jungles of Africa. The two astrobiologists in charge of the test mount an expedition to the Darkest Continent to retrieve their experiment, only to find the wasps have grown to giant size which are panicking all forms of life as they quest for food.
Il ricatto di un padre
Alessandro Arlandi
A woman tries to gain control of his father's company after he dies.
Helena de Tróia
Há mais de 3 mil anos, Tróia era próspera, cuja localização a permitiu dominar o Helesponto (hoje conhecido como estreito de Dardanelos). Esta era a única rota marítima que ia e vinha do oriente, o que gerava muitas riquezas para Tróia, que se tornou um troféu de guerra tentador para as nações gregas. Os troianos se lembravam de quando os gregos, liderados por Esparta, saquearam e queimaram a cidade dos ancestrais. Em razão disto os troianos haviam preparado fortes defesas, para a possibilidade de futuros ataques. Guardada por grandes muralhas, a nova Tróia era um abrigo impenetrável para um povo feliz.
Don Paolo, a young parson troubled by his love for Agnese, tries to make peace in a little village in Sardinia where two families are at war.
Luna nova
A young man leaves the countryside and falls for the owner of a nightclub.
Átila, o líder dos hunos bárbaros e chamado pelos romanos de "O Flagelo de Deus", varre a península italiana, derrotando todos os exércitos de Roma, até que ele e seus homens alcançam os portões da própria cidade.
Uomini ombra
Ammiraglio Zora
Italian naval secret agents acquire a British codebook and the Italian counter-espionage agents start tracking enemy agents working undercover in Italy and providing false information.
Il padre di Giovanna (as Edoardo Cianelli)
A young and poor Venetian woman is invited to a masquerade ball by a charming count.
The Stranger's Hand
Dr. Vivaldi
Eight-year-old Roger Court is in Venice expecting to reunite with his father, British diplomat Major Court (Trevor Howard), whom he hasn't seen in three years. Roger lives with his Aunt Rose since his mother abandoned him.
La tua donna
During WWII, Sandro Ademari (Massimo Girotti), head of a group of Italian partisans, to escape from a Nazi catch, hides himself by a farm. Here he knows Luisa (Lea Padovani) and soon the two married and have a baby. After the war, Sandro, now a solicitor, succeeded also to be elected in Rome's parliament. Here he starts an extramarital affair with Germana (Patricia Neal). Sandro, now deep involved with Germana, tries all the way to leave Luisa (divorce wasn't legal during the '50s in Italy). But Luisa is determined to save her marriage and arrives in Rome to discuss with the two. The tragedy is behind the corner.
Os Vencidos
Claudio's father
A trilogy of stories of well-off youths who commit murders. In the French episode, a group of high school students kill one of their colleagues for his money. In the Italian episode, a university student's involved in smuggling cigarettes. In the English episode, a lazy poet finds the body of a woman on the downs, and tries to sell his story to the press.
Sul ponte dei sospiri
Coming of age, a girl is told the truth about her dead father: he is alive, but imprisoned for several crimes he did not commit... With the help of an old noble lady and a young count (who doubles as a daring sea captain), she will fight for the truth, and justice. Her opponent is the State Town's Inquisitor himself, who set her father's up to escape his own crimes.
Voice of Silence
Padre superiore
Voice of Silence is a 1953 Italian drama film directed by Georg Wilhelm Pabst, written by Giuseppe Berto, starring Aldo Fabrizi and Jean Marais.
Sangue sul sagrato
The City Stands Trial
Alfonso Navona
Turn-of-the-century Naples. Salvatore Ruotolo and his wife are murdered and their bodies are found in different locations. Since the evidence points to a crime by the Neapolitan crime organization, the Camorra, fear and corruption cause serious hindrances to the investigation by police authorities. In charge is a young and courageous judge who, using evidence discovered by chance, tries to reconstruct the story of the double murder. The plot that the judge must unravel is very complicated.
È l'amor che mi rovina
Capo delle spie (as Edward Ciannelli)
A naive clerk finds himself involved in the theft of a ring containing a dangerous liquid.
A Um Passo do Fim
Sol 'Knuckles' Lanzetta
Jim Curtayne, um ex-advogado de defesa de sucesso que agora é um alcoólatra em recuperação, tenta uma resposta quando defende o filho de um vizinho que enfrenta uma acusação de homicídio.
The Fighting Men
Saverio Luparello is the manager of Sicilian baron Occipinti's estate. The cunning greedy man intentionally lets the land turn into a wasteland, hoping that his employer, discouraged by its low returns, will sell his earth to him for next to nothing. His plans are thwarted by a share cropper, Diego Costa, who farms his lot zealously and to good results.
Fugitive Lady
Ralph Clementi
A man drives his car off a cliff in an apparent suicide. One insurance investigator is not so sure it was an accident or suicide and gets 48 hours to prove his case.
An exiled Italian prostitute (Anna Magnani) shields her sister (Geraldine Brooks) from a deep-sea diver (Rossano Brazzi) on an island volcano.
Pact with the Devil
Giacomo Mola
The title of this Italian melodrama translates to Pact with the Devil. However, His Satanic Majesty does not appear in the film. Rather, this expensively produced period piece is more along the lines of Romeo and Juliet, with young love threatened by warring families. In his first Italian film, Hollywood veteran Eduardo Cianelli goes through his usual villainous paces as the scheming father of the male lead (Jacques Francois). The most fascinating performance is rendered by Umberto Spadaro, as the village idiot, or is he? Patto col Diavolo makes the most of the visual dynamics of Italy's mountainous Calabrian region.
O Favorito dos Borgia
Art Dealer (uncredited)
Neste épico cativante repleto de intriga, ação e romance, o belo e talentoso Tyrone Power brilha no papel-título como Andrea Orsini, um corajoso e ousado soldado. A história é ambientada na Itália na época da Renascença, onde a famosa e violenta família Borgia, comandada por Cesare Borgia (Orson Welles), está determinada a tomar as terras vizinhas e expandir o império, poder e riqueza da família. Como soldado-espião dos Borgias, Orsini é enviado a um pequeno território que Cesare espera capturar. Mas Orsini é cativado pela inteligência e charme do Duque e de sua jovem esposa. Dividido entre a lealdade e seu senhor e a crescente amizade com suas possíveis vítimas, Orsini se vê numa feroz e espetacular batalha que o força a confrontar suas próprias ideias de justiça e nobreza. A soberba fotografia de Leon Shamroy da região campestre italiana fornece um pano de fundo maravilhoso para este imperdível mistura de drama com aventura.
To the Victor
An American serviceman remains in France after WWII and becomes a black marketeer.
The Creeper
Dr. Van Glock
Dr. Morgan (Onslow Stevens) and Dr. Cavigny (Ralph Morgan) star as a brace of scientists who return from the West Indies with a potent, phosphorescent serum that allegedly changes human beings into cats.
No Nosso Alegre Caminho
Oliver Pease gets a dose of courage from his wife Martha and tricks the editor of the paper (where he writes lost pet notices) into assigning him the day's roving question. Martha suggests, "Has a little child ever changed your life?" Oliver gets answers from two slow-talking musicians, an actress whose roles usually feature a sarong, and an itinerant cardsharp. In each case the "little child" is hardly innocent: in the first, a local auto mechanic's "baby" turns out to be fully developed as a woman and a musician; in the second, a spoiled child star learns kindness; in the third, the family of a lost brat doesn't want him returned. And Oliver, what becomes of him?
I Love Trouble
John Vega Caprillo
A wealthy man hires a detective to investigate his wife's mysterious past.
The Crime Doctor's Gamble
Maurice Duval
While visiting France, a criminal psychologist tries to clear a disturbed young man of his father's murder.
The Lost Moment
Father Rinaldo
In a long flashback, a New York publisher is in Venice pursuing the lost love letters of an early-19th-century poet, Jeffrey Ashton, who disappeared mysteriously. Using a false name, Lewis Venable rents a room from Juliana Bordereau, once Jeffrey Ashton's lover, now an aged recluse. Running the household is Juliana's severe niece, Tina, who mistrusts Venable from the first moment. He realizes all is not right when late one night he finds Tina, her hair unpinned and wild, at the piano. She calls him Jeffrey and throws herself at him. The family priest warns Venable to tread carefully around her fantasies, but he wants the letters at any cost, even Tina's sanity.
Seven Keys to Baldpate
Writer Kenneth Magee has bet that he can finish a story at rural resort Baldpate Inn, now closed for the winter. The owner has given him the "only" key to the front door. But there are six other keys, and peculiar characters, some of them up to no good, keep turning up as the mystery deepens.
Uma caravana dirige-se para o Oeste, guiada pelo ex-tenente Jonathan Trumbo e seu amigo irlandês Michael Fabian. No caminho, junta-se a eles a aventureira Lily Bishop, com quem Jonathan se envolve. Todavia, quando chega a notícia de que foi descoberto ouro na Califórnia, Lily e a maioria dos colonos partem, atrás de fortuna fácil. Mais tarde, Jonathan a reencontra em Pharaoh City, cidade dominada pelo ex-traficante de escravos Pharaoh Coffin, que arranca até a última gota de sangue dos mineiros. Pharaoh também deseja tornar o território uma nação independente, para fortalecer sua posição. Entretanto, seus planos são frustrados por Jonathan, Michael e Lily, agora a rica proprietária do saloon The Golden Lily.
Joe Palooka, Champ
After losing heavyweight contender Al Costa to mob boss Florini fight promoter Knobby Walsh recruits small town boy Joe Palooka to take his place. First in the series.
O Bater do Coração
Baron Ferdinand Dvorak
A female escapee from a reform school joins a pickpocket academy in Paris.
Cartel Member (uncredited)
Na Argentina, Johnny Farrell é um jogador de dados que se vê numa situação de roubo e é salvo por Ballin Mundson, um proprietário de um casino. Johnny começa a trabalhar para Ballin como seu braço-direito. A situação muda com a chegada de Gilda, sua amante no passado e que recentemente se casou com Ballin.
The Wife of Monte Cristo
Jacques Antoine
In this sequel to the original story, Monte Cristo count Edmund Dantes (Martin Kosleck) returns to Paris to get revenge but soon finds himself pursued by a cruel policeman (John Loder). The count's brave wife Haydée (Lenore Aubert) throws the cop off her husband's scent by dressing up as the masked avenger herself and proving that she too is most competent with a sword.
Perilous Holiday
Señor Aguirre
A tale of an international counterfeiting-ring operating in Mexico starts with Patrick Nevil viewed as a suspicious character by newspaper woman Agnes Stuart, who is working on a story to expose racketeering night-club owner Doc Lilley.
The Crime Doctor's Warning
Nick Petroni (uncredited)
A criminal psychologist treats an artist whose blackouts coincide with a series of murders.
Incendiary Blonde
Nick the Greek
Paramount's highly-fictionalized 1945 musical biography of Texas Guinan, the Roaring '20s New York nightclub owner and celebrity with alleged underworld connections who famously greeted her customers with the phrase, "Hello, suckers!"
A Bell for Adano
Maj. Nasta
Major Joppolo and his men are assigned to restore order to the war-torn Italian town of Adano. He has to manage getting supplies into town without interfering with troop movements, all the while dealing with colorful citizens of the town. One of his quests is to replace the bell which orders the town's life.
Marco Minelli
The life of American public enemy number one who was shot by the police in 1934.
The Conspirators
Colonel Almeida (as Edward Ciannelli)
A guerilla leader falls in love with a mysterious woman in World War II Lisbon.
Storm Over Lisbon
A nightclub star helps trap an enemy agent on the trail of an American newsman.
The Mask of Dimitrios
Marukakis (as Edward Ciannelli)
A mystery writer is intrigued by the tale of notorious criminal Dimitrios Makropolous, whose body was found washed up on the shore in Istanbul. He decides to follow the career of Dimitrios around Europe, in order to learn more about the man. Along the way he is joined by the mysterious Mr. Peters, who has his own motivation.
Passagem Para Marselha
Chief Engineer
Cinco condenados patrióticos são ajudados a escapar da prisão na Ilha do Diabo para que possam lutar junto as forças francesas livres contra os nazistas. Com as tripulações franceses dos bombardeiros se preparando para um ataque aéreo a partir de uma base na Inglaterra, conheceremos a história de Matrac, um jornalista francês que se opôs ao Pacto de Munique. Acusado de assassinato e enviado para a Ilha do Diabo, ele e outros quatro escaparam. Eles estão num navio com destino a Marselha, quando então a França se rende e o simpatizante fascista Major Duval tenta confiscar o navio para o governo de Vichy.
Adventures of the Flying Cadets
Kurt von Helger
Four youthful cadets are implicated in a series of murders, and must attempt to clear themselves of suspicion.
Por Quem os Sinos Dobram
Guerra Civil Espanhola, anos 30. O idealista Robert Jordan (Gary Cooper) se engaja no conflito para defender os princípios de liberdade e democracia. Numa missão de altíssimo risco, ele aguarda o melhor momento de explodir uma ponte de importância vital para as tropas inimigas. Neste cenário de idealismos e tensões quase insuportáveis, a mística Pilar, líder das forças da resistência civil, encoraja a bela e jovem Maria (Ingrid Bergman) a ajudar Robert em sua missão. Durante uma noite debaixo das estrelas, o medo da morte e a possibilidade do amor caminham lado a lado, em pleno horror da guerra.
De Amor Também Se Morre
The daughter of a musical mentor adores a promising composer, who is quite fond of the adolescent. When her father dies, an uncle arrives with his own grown daughter, who begins a romance with the composer which culminates in marriage but creates an emotional rivalry that affects the three.
Flight for Freedom
Johnny Salvini
A fictionalized biopic about aviation pioneer Amelia Earhart. A female pilot breaks the Los Angeles to New York record and attracts the interest of the U.S. Navy, who want to send her on a spy mission.
They Got Me Covered
Bumbling reporter Robert Kittredge has been fired after bungling his latest assignment. His career isn't all he's botched up: his girlfriend Chris is tired of waiting for him to marry her. When he gets a hot tip on some Nazi spies operating in Washington, D.C., he convinces Chris to help him break the story so he can get his job back. The pair soon find themselves in several awkward predicaments as they track the criminals down in a night club, a burlesque show, and face a final showdown at a beauty salon.
Mercado Negro
Boss Greer
A demoted reporter (George Brent) and his girlfriend (Brenda Marshall) seek to expose a crime kingpin.
Ahmed Ben Hassan (as Edward Ciannelli)
Reporter Homer Smith accidently draws Marcia Warren into his mission to stop Nazis from bombing Allied Conwoys with robot-planes.
Dr. Broadway
Vic Telli (as Edward Cianelli)
A New York doctor (Macdonald Carey) saves a chorus girl (Jean Phillips) from a window ledge, twice, and rounds up racketeers.
Paris Calling
Marianne Jannetier, a well-to-do Parisian, engaged to Andre Benoit, a high-ranking government official, flees the city when the goose-stepping Nazi storm-troopers arrive. When her mother dies on the road to Bordeaux as a result of Nazi bombing, she returns to Paris and joins the underground movement. Nicholas Jordan, an American member of the RAF, stranded in Paris after the evacuation is also working with the Paris underground. Marianne kills her former fiancée, a pro-Nazi informant, for the traitorous state papers he is carrying, and she and Jordan try to flee over a French seaport...
I Was a Prisoner on Devil's Island
Dr. Victor Martel
A ship's officer is sentenced to Devil's Island for murder after a fatal brawl.
Aventura no Oriente
Giovanni Riccio, the Hotel Manager
A jewel thief and a con artist are rivals in the theft of a valuable diamond and gem necklace in Bombay and as the Japanese Army invades China.
Sky Raiders
Felix Lynx
Captain Bob Dayton and Lieutenant Ed Carey are partners in a company called "Sky Raiders" which seeks US government contracts for its inventions. Enemy spies attempt to steal, sabotage and discredit the inventions and founders of the company.
Ellery Queen's Penthouse Mystery
Count Brett (as Edward Ciannelli)
Like the first entry in Columbia's "Ellery Queen" series, Ellery Queen's Penthouse Mystery depicts its amateur-criminologist hero as an oafish ignoramus. This time around, Chinese ventriloquist Gordon Cobb (Noel Madison), is murdered by a gang of jewel thieves. Baffled by the contradictory clues, Inspector Queen (Charles Grapewin) asks his son Ellery (Ralph Bellamy) to help out.
Kitty Foyle
Kitty Foyle, a hard-working white-collar girl from a Philadelphia, Pennsylvania low, middle-class family, meets and falls in love with young socialite Wyn Strafford but his family is against her.
Mysterious Doctor Satan
Doctor Satan
A mad scientist named Dr. Satan plots to steal key pieces of technology to enable him to build an army of robots based on his prototype to conquer America. The only one standing in his way is Bob Wayne, who fights Satan as the enigmatic Copperhead. Mysterious Doctor Satan is a 1940 film serial named after its chief villain. Doctor Satan's main opponent is the masked mystery man, "The Copperhead", whose secret identity is Bob Wayne, a man searching for justice and revenge on Satan for the death of his step-father. The serial charts the conflict between the two as Bob Wayne pursues Doctor Satan, while the latter completes his plans for world domination.
A Mão da Múmia
The High Priest
A cômica dupla de arqueólogos Steve (Dick Foran) e Babe (Wallace Ford) estão viajando pelo Egito quando descobrem evidências do local de sepultamento da antiga princesa egípcia Ananka. Depois de receber financiamento de um excêntrico mágico (Cecil Kellaway) e sua bela filha Marta (Peggy Moran), eles partem para o deserto onde são aterrorizados por um sinistro sumo sacerdote (George Zucco) e a múmia Kharis (Tom Tyler), que são os guardiões do túmulo de Ananka. Sequência de "A Múmia" (1932).
Correspondente Estrangeiro
Mr. Krug
Johnny Jones (Joel McCrea) é o correspondente de um jornal de Nova York que viaja para a Europa usando o pseudônimo de Huntley Haverstock, quando a 2ª Guerra Mundial era uma realidade cada vez mais iminente. Inicialmente ele vai para Londres mas logo está em Amsterdã, onde juntamente com várias pessoas testemunha o assassinato de Van Meer (Albert Bassermann), um diplomata holandês. Entretanto, logo ele toma consciência que quem morreu foi um sósia e que Van Meer na verdade foi sequestrado por agentes do inimigo, que querem arrancar do diplomata importantes segredos. Assim sua situação fica desesperadora, pois sua história é em princípio absurda e, além disto, estão querendo matá-lo.
Forgotten Girls
A disillusioned factory worker is charged with the attempted murder of her mother's lover.
A beautiful young woman organizes an expedition to Africa to search for a sacred skull that is worshiped by the locals.
Outside the Three-Mile Limit
Dave Reeves
Government Agent Conway, posing as a crew member of a ship, is investigating the flood of counterfeit money that seemingly is originating for a gambling ship, moored off-shore beyond the three-mile limit and operated by gangster Dave Reeves.
Almas Rebeldes
Convicts escaping from Devil's Island come under the influence of a strange Christ-like figure.
Anjos de Cara Limpa
Alfred Martino
Um jovem recém-libertado de um reformatório se muda para um novo bairro com sua irmã, com a intenção de começar uma nova vida. No entanto, ele se envolve com o chefe da máfia local e políticos corruptos e logo se vê sendo enquadrado por um incêndio criminoso e assassinato que ele não cometeu.
Bulldog Drummond's Bride
Henri Armides
Hugh “Bulldog” Drummond is on the precipice of matrimony to his beloved Phyllis -- but a bank robbery and a daring escape is going to get in their way before they reach the altar.
Society Lawyer
Jim Crelliman
Society lawyer Christopher Durant agrees to defend his friend Phil Siddall when Siddall is arrested for the murder of an ex-girlfriend. With the help of nightclub singer Pat Abbott and crime boss Tony Gazotti (a former client), Durant launches his own investigation of the murder in order to prove his friend's innocence
Risky Business
Philip Decarno
Radio commentator Dan Clifford takes desperate chances to save the life of a young girl who has been kidnapped.
Gunga Din
As aventuras vividas por três sargentos ingleses na luta contra os nativos hindus. Ajudados pelo jovem Gunga Din, eles penetram no templo de onde parte a revolta, são presos pelo malévolo Guru, mas salvos pelo amigo nativo. Inspirado em poema de Rudyard Kipling. Refilmado em 1962 por John Sturges com o título "Os 3 Sargentos".
Blind Alibi
A Paris sculptor (Richard Dix) fakes blindness in Los Angeles to recover his blackmailed sister's love letters.
Law of the Underworld
A respected citizen with secret ties to the local mob is faced with revealing his criminal connections to save two innocent people from execution
Hitting a New High
Andreas Mazzini
A Paris cabaret singer dreams of becoming a Metropolitan Opera singer. A press agent arranges her Manhattan debut by way of Africa.
On Such a Night
Ice Richmond
When her husband is accused of murder, an actress tries to prove his innocence.
O Portento
Professor Herman
A movie actor playing a detective gets carried away with his role and starts trying to solve real-life crimes.
The Girl from Scotland Yard
Franz Jorg
A female agent tacks down the cause of mysterious explosions.
The League of Frightened Men
Paul Chapin
Nero Wolfe agrees to investigate a series of murders that seem to be tied in with a past Harvard hazing prank that went awry.
Mulher Marcada
Johnny Vanning
Policial persuade "dançarina de clube noturno" a testemunhar contra seu chefe mafioso depois que a sua irmã inocente é acidentalmente assassinada.
Criminal Lawyer
Gene Larkin
Barry Brandon, a criminal lawyer, visits the night club of Denny Larkin, his primary client, with Betty Walker, a spoiled society girl. The police raid the club and Brandon pleads that the whole group is guilty, just to get even with Larkin for a rebuke. On the same night in court, Madge Carter is on trial for disorderly conduct, and Brandon volunteers to defend her, and proves the case against her if a frame-up. Finding that she is penniless, Brandon hires her as his secretary, and falls in love with her. Brandon is appointed district attorney and has ambitions of becoming the state governor. Having dinner at Betty's home, she maneuvers him, while he is drunk, into marrying her. Later, Madge is a witness when Larkin shoots down a fellow gangster. By threatening Brandon's life, he forces her to commit perjury at his trial, and say he fired in self-defense. Brandon, the prosecuting attorney (who has had his marriage to Betty annulled) knows she is lying but doesn't know why.
Os Predestinados
Trock Estrella
A man is determined to find the real culprit behind the crime for which his father was wrongly executed.
The Scoundrel
Maurice Stern
A ruthless, cynical, hated publisher is killed in a plane crash, doomed to be a "restless" spirit for being unloved. A heavenly power gives him a month on Earth to find one person to shed a tear for him before his fate is sealed.
Reunion in Vienna
Pofferoff aka Poffy
An exiled archduke (John Barrymore) tries to renew romance with a former lover (Diana Wynyard) now wed to a psychiatrist (Frank Morgan).