Jennifer Dawn


Heavy Metal
Experimental short. Katherin Kovin-Pacino, Jimi Shawndi, Phill Palmer, Paul Mastroianni. What happens when your mother tells you not to listen to Heavy Metal, but you do it anyway...and then you bring your friends in on this mischievous deed as well! Beware the consequences of what mother says!
Don't Ever Tell
This is feature film about bullying and violence involving the lives of teens and individuals around the world; telling their stories in a drama/action based film and produced in a narrative style telling this story about our world's current epidemic we are facing today.
Flowers  in the Snow
Experimental drama
Medo Sem Fim
Girl #3
Um grupo de universitários curte os dias de trote nos calouros com brincadeiras, namoros e bebedeiras, mas eles cometem um erro cruel, ao despertar uma lenda que trará a cidade dias de tormenta e terror. O mal está a solta e não vai parar enquanto não destruir a todos que o trouxeram de volta a vida.