Chris Kraus

Nascimento : 1963-01-01, Göttingen, Germany


The Bloom of Yesterday
An almost romantic comedy on the edge: Holocaust researcher Toto is having a major life crisis. Just when things at home and work could not get worse, he unwantedly gets a new assistent assigned to himself. Zazie is french, jewish, slightly germanophobe and supposed to help Toto to prepare a major congress. As the star of the congress suddenly wants to pull out, the problems are piling up and the two have to fix it.
The Bloom of Yesterday
An almost romantic comedy on the edge: Holocaust researcher Toto is having a major life crisis. Just when things at home and work could not get worse, he unwantedly gets a new assistent assigned to himself. Zazie is french, jewish, slightly germanophobe and supposed to help Toto to prepare a major congress. As the star of the congress suddenly wants to pull out, the problems are piling up and the two have to fix it.
Five German directors celebrate the influence that famed filmmaker Rosa von Praunheim has had on their careers in honor of his 70th birthday. After discussing Praunheim's inspiration, each protégé presents an original short drawn from the experience.
Five German directors celebrate the influence that famed filmmaker Rosa von Praunheim has had on their careers in honor of his 70th birthday. After discussing Praunheim's inspiration, each protégé presents an original short drawn from the experience.
The Poll Diaries
In 1914 on a family estate, Oda helps a wounded anarchist, and as their illicit friendship deepens, a family turmoil erupts as the war closes in.
The Poll Diaries
In 1914 on a family estate, Oda helps a wounded anarchist, and as their illicit friendship deepens, a family turmoil erupts as the war closes in.
Two Mothers
Filmmaker Rosa von Praunheim searches for his biological mother after discovering late in life that he was adopted.
Quatro Minutos
Uma professora de música já idosa que dá aulas de piano para presos descobre um prodígio entre as detentas e se dedica a desenvolver o talento da moça.
Quatro Minutos
Uma professora de música já idosa que dá aulas de piano para presos descobre um prodígio entre as detentas e se dedica a desenvolver o talento da moça.
Shattered Glass
Shattered Glass
O Einstein do Sexo
Filme sobre o famoso sexólogo Dr. Magnus Hirschfeld, um judeu gay e socialista que em 1897, fundou o primeiro grupo político gay da história. Também em Berlim, abriu seu Instituto de Ciências Sexuais, em 1920, que se mantém único e foi altamente comentado pelo mundo. Hirschfeld morreu no exílio na França, em 1935, dois anos depois de ter todo o trabalho de sua vida destruído pelos nazistas. O filme revela a personalidade e as experiências de Hirschfeld por meio das principais figuras da sua vida; do amor impossível pelo Barão von Teschenberg aos anos felizes que passou com o jovem Karl Giese; da luta com o principal oponente à causa gay, o escritor de direita Adolf Beand, ao apoio de seu anjo-da-guarda, o travesti Dorchen, uma figura de grande inteligência e coragem. "O Einstein do Sexo" foi o nome dado a Hirschfeld pelos jornais americanos, em 1931. Perguntado a respeito da comparação, ele respondeu; "Acho muito bom, mas o melhor seria chamar Einstein de Hirschfeld da Física".
Sadness at Leaving
Following the erection of the Berlin wall, special agent Carl Halman is assigned by East German intelligence to move to New York where he’ll “sleep” as a writer until he is called. Using the code-name “April 23,” Carl successfully infiltrates the uptown-downtown literary world in 1950s New York. He edits a magazine, follows the Knicks, and marries Melinda, the socialite wife of best-selling jock novelist Hubert Cleaver, Ayden’s hilarious Norman Mailer pastiche. Through Carl’s eyes, we see New York City change from an outpost of Europe to the new capital of an anarchistic, post-ideological world. But then, when Carl least expects it, he’s called.