Marijn Poels


Former London banker Alexander Pohl worked for years for one of the world's greenest banks. Idealistically driven he financed big wind and solar farms genuinely convinced he was making the world a better place. Gradually he woke up to the fact that today's green is actually an ego-driven, corrupt, and broken system. He gave up banking and emigrated with his family to his little forest paradise in remote, northern Sweden. The dream was to get back to Nature, start an eco-farm and put as much distance as he could between his family and the industrialization of nature. Until….. A wind park was planned at the gates of his paradise garden. Documentarian Poels and Alexander Pohl are taking the journey together…. to ask questions and unravel the green wonderland to its true core …
Former London banker Alexander Pohl worked for years for one of the world's greenest banks. Idealistically driven he financed big wind and solar farms genuinely convinced he was making the world a better place. Gradually he woke up to the fact that today's green is actually an ego-driven, corrupt, and broken system. He gave up banking and emigrated with his family to his little forest paradise in remote, northern Sweden. The dream was to get back to Nature, start an eco-farm and put as much distance as he could between his family and the industrialization of nature. Until….. A wind park was planned at the gates of his paradise garden. Documentarian Poels and Alexander Pohl are taking the journey together…. to ask questions and unravel the green wonderland to its true core …
Het Goede doel heiligt de middelen
Return to Eden
When Natural and human interests impinge on each other and over-regulation disturbs our biological balance. important questions arise. Do we belong to nature or does nature belongs to us? A thought-provoking story in which documentary maker Marijn Poels explores the human urge to control our climate, security and preferably the other. Balancing on a razor-thin line between regulation and manipulation. When technology reigns supreme and common sense vaporizes through the test of time, humanity is on the brink of becoming the tool. Miles away from the collective panic, fear and chaos, there is hope, inspiration and reconnection.
People who dare to question important themes today, are often silenced or labeled as suspicious and dangerous. Where once democracies valued and encouraged debate society is dividing itself with stark lines between the left, the right, the good or the bad. What is strangling debate? How liberal is the West? Should we ignore or embrace other perspectives? A critical, thought-provoking journey through ancient tribal conflicts, in a new era wherein world views clash and free speech crumbles under pressure to conform.
People who dare to question important themes today, are often silenced or labeled as suspicious and dangerous. Where once democracies valued and encouraged debate society is dividing itself with stark lines between the left, the right, the good or the bad. What is strangling debate? How liberal is the West? Should we ignore or embrace other perspectives? A critical, thought-provoking journey through ancient tribal conflicts, in a new era wherein world views clash and free speech crumbles under pressure to conform.
The Uncertainty Has Settled
Agriculture and its perspective in modern times. The change from farmers to energy supplier raise questions. Are we doing the right thing?
The Uncertainty Has Settled
Agriculture and its perspective in modern times. The change from farmers to energy supplier raise questions. Are we doing the right thing?
Ageless Friends
A story of a Dutch young man who build a friendship with an American soldier from another time.
Documentary that follows Pablo, a man that used to live on the streets in Brazil
For the past two years, the world population has been under the spell of the coronavirus. Emergency regimes have been established, civil liberties have been dismantled, surveillance programs were being installed and an unprecedented global vaccination program has been rolled out. Are we doing the right thing, or did we make a deal with the devil in exchange for a benefit? Through critical voices from various areas of expertise, PANDAMNED attempted for the first time to paint the whole picture and shed light on the darkness. It has become a relentless stocktaking of our time, which global organizations, governments and big tech companies would have preferred to prevent. Documentary maker Marijn Poels takes the viewer on an enlightening journey through the emerging absurd world of the "New Normal" and how we can still prevent it.
By Choice or Chance
A portrait of three single mothers living in Hanoi who are bringing the very first changes to the core values in the development process of the Vietnamese culture.