Elena Osipova


Rabbi Knows Better
A very unorthodox Jewish family is preparing for Sabbath dinner with their Rabbis (two). They are all straggling with the restrictions Sabbath brings until the old and wise Rabbi unexpectedly solves all their predicaments. 4 scenes - same dialogue - 4 long shots.
Fate for Rent
The main character Rita is kind and sweet young woman, who can’t say “no” and is ready to help anyone who asks, and therefore is constantly being used by her family and friends. Her sister Olga is pursuing a career, leaving her children to Rita; her love interest Vlad uses her by borrowing money and never giving it back, and also by getting Rita to do his work; Rita’s mother Nina is thinking only about her questionable business. Rita herself, while being a talented inventor of modern gadgets, is a freelance employee at an advertising company, where Olga is a creative director. Olga gets fame for all Rita’s inventions. One day, everything changes.
Terremoto: Destruição Total
Baseado na história real e comovente do terremoto de Spitak, no norte da Armênia em 7 de dezembro de 1988. Um dos tremores mais graves já registrados deixou quase metade do país em ruínas, 25 mil pessoas mortas, 20 mil gravemente feridas e mais de meio milhão desabrigadas. Após o devastador terremoto, surge uma improvável união entre o russo Konstantin e o armênio Robert, que trabalham juntos para resgatar os sobreviventes desesperados.