Best Boy Grip
Depois de ficar sabendo da morte de sua mãe, Purslane Hominy volta a Nova Orleans para reaver a casa onde passou a infância. Pursy se surpreende ao ver que o lugar é habitado por amigos de sua mãe cujas vidas são um desastre — Bobby Long, um aposentado professor de literatura e seu jovem aprendiz, com quem é obrigada a viver. Com o passar do tempo, o improvisado estilo de vida faz com que uma série de segredos pessoais comecem a ser revelados e lhes mostrará que suas vidas estão interligadas de forma inexplicável, pondo à prova seus vínculos verdadeiros.
Key Grip
Steve Burdick is closeted television anchorman whose lover dies of an AIDS-related illness. Steve decides to come out and then tells his story about being gay and battling AIDS during a special segment of the nightly news. Originally episode eight of LifeStories, it was moved to later in the season due to the subject matter.
Sound Recordist
“YOU THE BETTER is a film based on games of chance, and as games such as roulette, or craps go, this one is closed – meaning that the player cannot really affect the outcome. A team of uniformed players, led by the artist Ashley Bickerton, performs the mechanics of a game servicing an off-camera betting entity, the ‘House’. Although the game keeps changing and players are swapped out, one thing remains the same, the ‘House’ is hidden and controls the bets, the ‘chance’ of winning is nil. The game, in fact, is not between the players, but rather between the ‘House’, and the ‘Bettor’.” — E.B. 1983