Nancy Vogel


Nu Entre Lobos
Set Decoration
No final de março de 1945, no campo de concentração Buchenwald, o prisioneiro Hans Pippig descobre em uma mala uma criança judia escondida. Se denunciar a criança de 3 anos com certeza morrerá. Por outro lado, a violação de regras do campo ameaçaria a longa preparação para a revolta dos prisioneiros contra a SS.
O Físico
Set Decoration Buyer
A história se passa na Idade Média e mostra a história de Rob Cole (Payne), um médico que busca explicações científicas para doenças em um mundo dominado pela religião. Kingsley interpretará Ibn Sina, o "médico dos médicos" e Skarsgard será o Barbeiro, mentor do protagonista.
Production Design
Philipp Halbe can not read and write. He avoids life, works in a bar at night and does not engage in serious relationships. One day when his daughter Lily, whose mother died in a car accident, is about to die, he has to face the challenges of life and fight for custody. The aim of the film is to raise awareness of the problem of illiteracy and thus to contribute to the de-tabulation.
Set Decoration
Set in the Summer of 1988 and based on real events, the film tells the story of East-German twins Isabel and Doreen, two aspiring oarswomen, whose lives are changed dramatically during a training camp at Lake Balaton in Hungary. There, the girls make the acquaintance of West-German friends Arne and Nico. The holiday flirt soon turns serious when Doreen and Arne fall in love. As the end of their stay approaches, Arne asks the inseparable sisters to flee to the West with him…