Gennady Myasnikov

Gennady Myasnikov

Nascimento : 1919-09-12, Sosnovka Berezovsky district of the Perm region


Gennady Myasnikov


Тихие воды глубоки
Production Design
A 1984 Russian film.
The Last Sacrifice
Production Design
Based on the play of the same name by Aleksandr Nikolayevich Ostrovsky. The rich merchant widow Yuliya Tugina is practically ruined by her lover, impoverished nobleman Vadim Dulchin, who loves only himself and gambling. Merchant Flor Fedulych in love with a young widow Yuliya Pavlovna. But all her thoughts are occupied by the handsome Dulchin. But the wise and prudent merchant builds his intrigue, and soon they will have to combine marriage with the unloved, but the rich.
Belated Flowers
Production Design
Based on the novel of the same name by Anton Chekhov. Princess Mariya fell in love with doctor Toporkov, who was treating her, in the recent past the serf of her family. Now he has become a celebrity and is only concerned about buying a new home profitably. He does not notice her love and marries a rich merchant. The princess in love comes to see Toporkov and opens to him. Her strong feeling touches Toporkov’s hardened heart, he leaves his wife and leaves the princess abroad.
Tsvety zapozdalye
Guerra e Paz 4 Pierre Bezukhov
Art Direction
Parte 4, e última, do mega filme soviético Guerra e Paz (1966), uma adaptação em 4 partes do romance de Leon Tolstoi de 1869. Assim que Moscou começa a ser incendiada pelos russos em retirada, os Rostovs fogem de sua propriedade, levando soldados feridos com eles, e sem perceberem, levam também o príncipe Andrei Bolkonsky. Pierre Bezukhov, vestido como um camponês, tenta assassinar Napoleão, mas é feito prisioneiro. Como os Franceses são forçados a recuar, Pierre marcha por meses com a Grande Armée, até ser libertado por uma incursão de um pequeno destacamento. Os franceses são derrotados pelo general Mikhail Kutuzov na Batalha de Krasnoi. O príncipe Andrei é reconhecido e é levado para sua propriedade. Ele perdoa Natasha em seu leito de morte. Ela se reúne com Pierre e eles se casam quando Moscou está sendo reconstruída.
Guerra e Paz 3 O Ano de 1812
Art Direction
Parte 3 do mega filme soviético Guerra e Paz (1966), uma adaptação em 4 partes do romance de Leon Tolstoi de 1869. Em 1812, o Exército de Napoleão invade a Rússia. O general Mikhail Kutuzov pede ao príncipe Andrei Bolkonsky que se junte a ele como oficial de sua equipe, mas o príncipe solicita um comando no campo. Pierre Bezukhov procura assistir o próximo confronto entre os exércitos. Durante a Batalha de Borodino, ele se oferece para ajudar em uma bateria de artilharia. A unidade de Bolkonsky espera na reserva, mas ele é atingido por uma granada. Tanto Anatol Kuragin quanto Andrei Bolkosnky, os dois amores de Natasha Rostova, sofrem ferimentos graves. O exército francês é vitorioso e avança sobre Moscou.
Guerra e Paz 2 Natasha Rostova
Art Direction
Parte 2 do mega filme soviético Guerra e Paz (1966), uma adaptação em 4 partes do romance de Leon Tolstoi de 1869. No final de 1809, Natasha Rostova vai a seu primeiro baile. O príncipe Andrei Bolkonsky se apaixona por ela e pretende se casar com ela, mas seu pai exige que eles esperem. O príncipe viaja para o exterior, e Natasha 'morre' de saudades dele. Mas ela então conhece Anatol Kuragin e esquece do Andrei. No último minuto, ela se arrepende e abandona seus planos de fugir com Anatol. O príncipe Andrei fica sabendo de tudo e declara que seu noivado acabou. Pierre Bezukhov, tentando acalmá-la, de repente, anuncia que a ama.
Guerra e Paz
Production Design
Adaptação épica do clássico homônimo da literatura mundial, de autoria de Leon Tolstói. O início do século dezenove é tomado por grandes acontecimentos. Cada vez mais próximas da fronteira russa, as tropas de Napoleão Bonaparte prometem fazer valer os intentos expansionistas de seu líder, trazendo guerra para o solo russo. Enquanto isso, uma complexa história de amor se desenvolve entre a Condessa Natasha Rostova e o Conde Pierre Bezukhov, casado com outra mulher. O filme também foi dividido em 4 episódios.
Ballad of a Hussar
Production Design
A young girl decides to join a Hussar squadron and fight against Napoleon. Dressed as a man, she proves herself an excellent, even heroic soldier, but complications ensue when her real identity is revealed.
The Cossacks
Production Design
Historical drama based on the eponymous novel by Leo Tolstoy. Junker Olenin, a representative of St.Petersburg's golden youth, is traveling from St.Petersburg to the Caucasus in search of romance. His regiment is stationed in the Cossack village. Here he falls in love with the beautiful Maryana and is ready to marry her, but she loves the Cossack Lukashka and is not going to exchange him for the master...
Russkiy Suvenir
Production Design
The end of the 1950s. The Chinese passenger plane, following the Beijing-Moscow flight, enters a thunderstorm and makes an emergency landing in the Baikal region. In addition to the Soviet citizen Varvara Komarova, all other passengers are foreigners. Using a stop, they explore new cities and get acquainted with the life, work and rest of Soviet people.
The Communist
Production Design
A young ordinary communist, Vasiliy Gubanov, was among many who took part in the construction of the most important facility for the young republic, the power plant. He did his job in a way that was beyond human ability. He could love, too, with a passion and a passion for self, but his life was cut short very early.
Journey Beyond Three Seas
Art Direction
This first co-production of the Soviet and Indian cinematographers is dedicated to the Tver merchant Afanasy Nikitin who in 1466-1472 blazed the trade way from Europe to India. The film is based on Nikitin’s travel notes. Starring in the film are popular Russian actor Oleg Strizhenov and India’s 1950s movie star Nargis.
Hostile Whirlwinds
Production Design
About the first years of the formation of Soviet power, about the life and work of Feliks Dzerzhinsky in 1918-1925. The film covers the most important episodes of his biography. In July 1918, as a result of a revolt of the Left Socialist Revolutionaries, the German ambassador Mirbach was killed. Feliks Dzerzhinsky alone goes to the headquarters of the Left Socialist Revolutionaries and Anarchists, he manages to persuade ordinary soldiers and sailors, participants in the rebellion, who are now cracking down on their leaders. In 1921, Dzerzhinsky was aimed at combating homelessness, as a result of which, by 1925, former homeless children, having completed their studies, were sent to the construction of Yugostal, the largest industrial plant in Ukraine.
Life in Bloom
Production Design
About the life of the Russian biologist Ivan Michurin. 1912 year. Having rejected American offers to work abroad, Michurin continues his research in the Russian Empire, despite the fact that his ideas are not perceived by the tsarist government, the church and idealistic science. Michurin is supported by prominent scientists of the country and he continues to work hard. After the October Revolution, a small Michurin garden in the city of Kozlov (the biologist's homeland) becomes a large state nursery.