Fanny Burdino


Making Of
Sons of Ramses
Thirty-four year old Ramsès has established himself as a clairvoyant in La Goutte d’Or, Paris. A shrewd manipulator and something of a poet, he built a sound business consoling people. Elusive and dangerous youths, freshly arrived from the streets of Tangier, disrupt his business and the whole neighbourhood. Until the day Ramses has an actual vision.
Amore mio
Today is Raphael’s funeral. His young wife Lola doesn’t know what to do with her sadness, or with her 7-year-old son’s, or with anyone’s. Her sister Margaux is here, though they have been estranged for years. On their way to the ceremony, Lola forces Margaux to flee the procession and to take them away from this sad reality. During this improvised trip, the two sisters will rediscover each other and relearn freedom. The freedom of not wanting to bury the man you love.
The Origin of Evil
In a luxurious seaside villa, a modest young woman finds herself in the company of a strange family : an unknown and wealthy father, his extravagant wife, his daughter, an ambitious woman, a rebellious teenager, and their creepy maid.
Last Dance
After his wife dies, a 75 year old retiree has to put up with the intrusion into his idle life of other family members.
@Arthur.Rambo - Ódio nas redes
Arthur Rambo é um pseudônimo de alguém que espalha mensagens de ódio nas redes sociais. Mas, quem ele seria na verdade? Talvez um jovem e inconsequente escritor frustrado, empenhado em fazer sucesso? Quando a verdade vem à tona, a vida e a carreira de um jovem escritor descendente de imigrantes é colocada duramente em xeque.
All the Way
Writers' Assistant
15-year-old Solange lives in a little town in the French Alps. When her parents get divorced, she discovers her femininity and has her first sexual experiences.
Dune Dreams
In the wake of his wife’s death, Simon tries to make a fresh start by moving with his son Camille to Dubai. In that extraordinary city, Camille manages to forget, let go, and begin a new life. But for Simon, it’s not so easy. He begins to feel an alarming presence in their home - someone quietly, patiently lurking in the shadows. Could it really be his double? Simon slowly succumbs to anxiety and thinks he is going mad. But he’s not the only one to feel threatened this way. It seems to be happening to all people in Dubai who refuse to cut off all ties to their past.
Feliz Aniversário
No aniversário de 70 anos da mãe, toda a família se reúne para celebrar junta. Com a presença de filhos, noras, marido e uma câmera para registrar todos os momentos, o evento estava pacífico e feliz. Quando uma inesperada visita chega na festa, a harmonia do ambiente está prestes a acabar. A irmã mais nova, que estava desaparecida há quatro anos, retorna trazendo problemas junto com a sua bagagem.
A Prece
Thomas é viciado em drogas. Para dar um fim à esse hábito, ele decide participar de uma comunidade de ex-usuários que vivem isolados nas montanhas e usam a oração como uma forma de se curarem. Inicialmente relutante, Thomas aos poucos aceita se submeter a uma vida espartana de disciplina, abstinência, trabalho árduo e orações frequentes. Ele descobre a fé, mas também o amor, e um novo tipo de tormento.
A Bun in the Oven
There is one thing that Nicole, who is soon turning fifty, would have loved to be spared, is to learn that the symptoms that have been ruining her life for some time are not those of a latent menopause, but those of a real pregnancy! What a drag…
Carole Matthieu
Isabelle Adjani é Carole Matthieu - uma médica cirurgiã empregada em um call center, que tornou-se emocionalmente envolvida no sofrimento de seus colegas de trabalho.
A Economia do Amor
Marie e Boris decidem se divorciar depois de 15 anos de casados. Marie comprou a casa que eles vivem juntos com suas duas filhas, mas foi Boris que reformou completamente o lugar. Já que ele não pode pagar outro lugar pra morar, o casal tem que continuar dividindo o mesmo espaço até que entrem em um consenso.
La loi
29 de novembro de 1974. A Assembleia Nacional francesa adota a lei que legaliza a interrupção voluntária da gravidez. Por trás do texto, divisório, está uma mulher, Simone Veil, rosto único da maioria. Retrospecto dos debates que precederam o voto. Um período durante o qual nada lhe será poupado: solidão, injúrias, armações políticas...
Anti Squat
Paris, today. 38 y.o. Ines, mother of teenage Jules whom she is raising alone, is threatened with eviction. She absolutely must get a stable job to find them a place to live. She is taken on 2 months trial at “Anti-Squat”, a start-up company offering temporary housing in empty suburbs office buildings. But the rules are very strict and the tenants have no rights. As a manager, Ines must live and sleep in the building to monitor the residents. But children are forbidden... She has two months to go, two months to complete her trial period, two months to start a new life at the risk of losing her most cherished values.