Jacob DeMonte-Finn

Jacob DeMonte-Finn


Jacob DeMonte-Finn


Duas Bruxas: A Herança Diabólica
Masha's one night stand
Uma mulher grávida está convencida de que foi amaldiçoada por uma bruxa. Enquanto outra mulher, com impulsos violentos, espera herdar os poderes de sua bisavó. Duas gerações de bruxas e as terríveis consequências para aqueles que cruzam seu caminho.
10 Days (for now)
After nine months of separation, Ellie and Estlin reconnect on Christmas Eve. However, they are both wary of jumping right back into a relationship and therefore propose a challenge: they must spend 10 days with each other before a decision can be made. The film is about relationships, the holidays and being young in New York.
A man visits a blood donation center and discovers a terrifying secret.
Nanoblood is a new product promising total human potential from your friendly neighborhood pharma startup Bot Labs. The upcoming human trials are gonna knock everyone's socks off! Lisa and Toby are part of a secret group of beta testers replacing their blood cells with robots, so that's sure to turn out well for them.
In rural Louisiana, 11-year-old Sabine's widower father misses Ash Wednesday Mass, so she pushes him to give up drinking for Lent. He breaks his vow, evoking the wrath of the ROUGAROU, a mythical bayou beast who punishes bad Catholics. Now Sabine has to step up to save him from the monster or risk losing her only living parent.
Salt Water
Based on a true story, a troubled twenty-year-old with PTSD struggles to normalize her life and escape her past. But as the symptoms of her disorder spiral out of control, she seeks retribution.
Delivery Guy #1
Maria, a competitive woman in her late 30's orders a clone from North Korea under the pretense of getting some help around the house so she can spend more time with her husband and two kids, but mostly to compete with her flawless friend Ari.
Coming To
A man wakes up in a Koreatown hallway, naked except for a cock ring and a frilly scarf. Shot in one continuous five-minute take on the Digital Bolex D16 camera, "Coming To" is Happy Canyon Club's Slamdance Grand-Prize-winning short film about picking up the pieces after a meth relapse. It is a story about loneliness, the search for identity, and the difficult choice between safety and happiness.
A young fighter meddles in a feud between "business associates," soon descending into a criminal underworld that's all too real.
Deus Abençoe a América
Com nada a perder, Frank pega uma arma e decide acabar com os mais idiotas, cruéis e desagradáveis membros da sociedade com uma cúmplice nada usual: Roxy, de 16 anos. A menina partilha do mesmo senso de raiva e falta de pertencimento ao status quo e decide se juntar a Frank em uma caçada a estrelas de reality shows e a outras figuras do cenário de entretenimento dos Estados Unidos, alvejando também cidadãos comuns que aparecem em seus caminhos.
Cruel But Necessary
Cruel But Necessary is the story of Betty Munson's strange journey of self-discovery and soul-awakening in the traumatic years following the revelation, on videotape, of her husband's infidelity. Her marriage over, struggling to raise her teen-age son alone, Betty becomes driven to discover other secrets that may surround her and so she videotapes every aspect of her life during the gradual disintegration of her comfortable upper middle-class existence. Sometimes used as an eavesdropping device, other times as a confessional, Betty's camera dispassionately records the layers of family and personal dynamics. The film is seen entirely from the viewpoint of Betty's video camera resulting in a "surveillance tape" that is a kind of voyeurism of the absurd
Slaves of Hollywood
Mugged Boy
Slaves of Hollywood segue a vida de um grupo de recém-formados em seus primeiros empregos na Hollywood corporativa. Thomas, Pink, Fisher, Dean e Roman acabaram de se mudar para Los Angeles e desejam se tornar "jogadores". Mas primeiro eles precisam começar por baixo, trabalhando como assistentes pessoais para uma variedade de produtores, agentes e executivos de estúdio maníacos. O glamour de trabalhar em Hollywood rapidamente começa a desaparecer depois de dias intermináveis ​​fazendo café e cuidando dos filhos do chefe. Conforme o tempo passa, nossos personagens principais lutam para subir na hierarquia corporativa, enquanto mantêm sua sanidade e moral intactas.
Hanky Panky
A man and his sentient napkin friend save the world from a dark evil in a cabin deep in the Utah mountains, and also learn to love. Based on the short of a same name filmed in 2014.