Andrew Green


Running Man
Executive Producer
It's 1991, and a clinical drugs trial goes horrifyingly wrong for a group of young ravers.
Apenas Nós
Executive Producer
Vi é uma adolescente que precisa lidar com as complexidades de sua família perturbada desde muito nova. Os problemas vêm à tona durante a estadia da família em uma cidade litorânea. A jovem passa a ter que cuidar da mãe, Aisha, que está doente e não consegue sair da cama, e também de Troy, seu desobediente e rebelde irmão mais novo.
Executive Producer
A lonely 9-year-old boy stumbles across a modest caravan in the American Midwest. Inside the caravan lives Dotty, an eccentric but kind women; old enough to be his grandmother. Dotty invites the boy into her rainbow decorated caravan that is littered with exotic memorabilia from her past, and in particular an incredible collection of brightly colored shoes. The boy, who has a hidden sadness he wont discuss and a suspicious bruise on one arm is able to forget about his troubles momentarily as Dotty and the boy embark on a journey that spans her colorful life.