Ben Lewin
Nascimento : 1946-08-06, Poland
Ben Lewin is a director and writer born in Poland and raised in Melbourne, Australia. Lewin moved to Los Angeles, California in 1994 to pursue a film and television career.
Descontente com seu emprego e seu namorado de longa-data, uma jovem (Danielle Macdonald) decide largar tudo e correr atrás de seu antigo sonho de virar cantora de ópera.
Descontente com seu emprego e seu namorado de longa-data, uma jovem (Danielle Macdonald) decide largar tudo e correr atrás de seu antigo sonho de virar cantora de ópera.
O jogador de baseball da liga principal, Moe Berg (Paul Rudd), vive uma vida dupla trabalhando para a Agência de Serviços Estratégicos. Durante a Segunda Guerra Mundial, ele trabalhou como oficial de inteligência, viajando em missão para diversas localidades.
Wendy (Dakota Fanning), uma jovem mulher portadora de autismo, consegue driblar sua cuidadora e escapa com um único objetivo em mente: entregar seu manuscrito para concorrer em um competição de escrita.
Mark O'Brien (John Hawkes) é um escritor e poeta que, ainda criança, contraiu poliomielite. Devido à doença ele perdeu os movimentos do corpo, com exceção da cabeça, e precisa passar boa parte do dia dentro de um aparelho apelidado de "pulmão de aço". Mark passa os dias entre o trabalho e as visitas à igreja, onde conversa com o padre Brendan (William H. Macy), seu amigo pessoal. Sentindo-se incompleto por desconhecer o sexo, Mark passa a frequentar uma terapeuta sexual. Ela lhe indica os serviços de Cheryl Cohen Greene (Helen Hunt), uma especialista em exercícios de consciência corporal, que o inicia no sexo.
Mark O'Brien (John Hawkes) é um escritor e poeta que, ainda criança, contraiu poliomielite. Devido à doença ele perdeu os movimentos do corpo, com exceção da cabeça, e precisa passar boa parte do dia dentro de um aparelho apelidado de "pulmão de aço". Mark passa os dias entre o trabalho e as visitas à igreja, onde conversa com o padre Brendan (William H. Macy), seu amigo pessoal. Sentindo-se incompleto por desconhecer o sexo, Mark passa a frequentar uma terapeuta sexual. Ela lhe indica os serviços de Cheryl Cohen Greene (Helen Hunt), uma especialista em exercícios de consciência corporal, que o inicia no sexo.
Mark O'Brien (John Hawkes) é um escritor e poeta que, ainda criança, contraiu poliomielite. Devido à doença ele perdeu os movimentos do corpo, com exceção da cabeça, e precisa passar boa parte do dia dentro de um aparelho apelidado de "pulmão de aço". Mark passa os dias entre o trabalho e as visitas à igreja, onde conversa com o padre Brendan (William H. Macy), seu amigo pessoal. Sentindo-se incompleto por desconhecer o sexo, Mark passa a frequentar uma terapeuta sexual. Ela lhe indica os serviços de Cheryl Cohen Greene (Helen Hunt), uma especialista em exercícios de consciência corporal, que o inicia no sexo.
Sophie, a writer of racy romance novels, is working on one of her stories in the library, when Eddie overhears her. Sophie, embarrassed by her paralyzed leg from childhood polio, spurns his advances, but when Sophie breaks her leg, she has the perfect way of hiding her disability from Eddie. As Sophie struggles to win over Eddie and hide her disability, Eddie's jealous fiance and a police officer investigating a jewel heist threaten their relationship.
Sophie, a writer of racy romance novels, is working on one of her stories in the library, when Eddie overhears her. Sophie, embarrassed by her paralyzed leg from childhood polio, spurns his advances, but when Sophie breaks her leg, she has the perfect way of hiding her disability from Eddie. As Sophie struggles to win over Eddie and hide her disability, Eddie's jealous fiance and a police officer investigating a jewel heist threaten their relationship.
A farce, Hoskins plays a photographer who specializes in religious pictures who searches for a model for Jesus. He does a favor for a friend and finds himself doing a voice track for a porno movie with Natasha Richardson. Hoskins finds his model for Jesus in Jeff Goldblum and a romantic triangle begins in which Goldblum finds adoring crowds believing him to be Jesus and then begins to believe it himself.
A farce, Hoskins plays a photographer who specializes in religious pictures who searches for a model for Jesus. He does a favor for a friend and finds himself doing a voice track for a porno movie with Natasha Richardson. Hoskins finds his model for Jesus in Jeff Goldblum and a romantic triangle begins in which Goldblum finds adoring crowds believing him to be Jesus and then begins to believe it himself.
A young white city lawyer arrives in a small Queensland country town to represent an Aboriginal lady in court. She faces minor charges of assault and thinks she will get off lightly if she, 'Plead guilty, Get a bond'. The young lawyer is amazed she is not asserting her rights.
A young woman investigates the death of her mother, who drowned when her daughter was still a baby. The question is: was it murder, suicide or merely an accident?
A young woman investigates the death of her mother, who drowned when her daughter was still a baby. The question is: was it murder, suicide or merely an accident?
At the start of WWII the British Government decided to arrest all Germans in the UK no matter how long they had been there. Among those arrested were many Jewish refugees and many who were fully assimilated. This film records the story of a group who were sent to a POW camp in Australia aboard the Dunera.
At the start of WWII the British Government decided to arrest all Germans in the UK no matter how long they had been there. Among those arrested were many Jewish refugees and many who were fully assimilated. This film records the story of a group who were sent to a POW camp in Australia aboard the Dunera.
Captures a moment in 1970s Britain's immigration debate, focusing on new arrivals at Heathrow as they wrestle with immigration law.
A loving evocation of a time and environment that may have slipped away. Valma, verging on midlife, wants a baby with her partner Joe, who is a gentle, loving and well-meaning wannabe writer, but who has had absolutely no success in achieving self-sustainability, and is far from a good prospect as a reliable father. Even when he tries really hard, he finds himself in the job from hell ('a chicken factory? - is that where they make chickens?'). Alphonse is a 'businessman' who has 'a new business every year'. This year his main income comes from arranging 'marriages of convenience' ("when was marriage ever convenient??" - Alphonse) to help new immigrants fast-track to Australian residency and citizenship.
A loving evocation of a time and environment that may have slipped away. Valma, verging on midlife, wants a baby with her partner Joe, who is a gentle, loving and well-meaning wannabe writer, but who has had absolutely no success in achieving self-sustainability, and is far from a good prospect as a reliable father. Even when he tries really hard, he finds himself in the job from hell ('a chicken factory? - is that where they make chickens?'). Alphonse is a 'businessman' who has 'a new business every year'. This year his main income comes from arranging 'marriages of convenience' ("when was marriage ever convenient??" - Alphonse) to help new immigrants fast-track to Australian residency and citizenship.