Charlie Weirauch


Restaurant Manager
Set within a dystopian world that is a collision between technology and humanity, "Reboot" touches upon many of the current social and political concerns that arise from becoming more and more intertwined with the virtual. In contemporary Los Angeles, a young female hacker (Stat) awakens from unconsciousness to find an iPhone glued to her hand and a mysterious countdown ticking away on the display. Suffering from head trauma, and with little recollection of who she is or what is happening, Stat races against time to figure out what the code means, and what unknown event the pending zero-hour will bring.
Jeanne é a dubladora francesa de uma atriz americana que trabalha numa série televisiva de sucesso. Quando a atriz anuncia de repente que vai encerrar a carreira, Jeanne se vê desempregada. Ela resolve então viajar para os Estados Unidos para tentar convencer a estrela a voltar a atuar...
O Solista
Um colunista do Los Angeles Times precisa dar um rumo à sua vida. Seu casamento não anda bem e ele não está feliz com seu trabalho. Um dia, andando pelas ruas de LA, ele encontra um mendigo talentoso tocando um violino de apenas duas cordas e se interessa por sua história.
Asylum Days
The nightmares are always the same for Hollywood actress Laurie Cardell: she's back at the orphanage where she spent her childhood, being tortured by the head mistress, praying for an escape. But that's all in the past... until two brothers decide to bring the screen siren back to the scene of the crime. Daniel has been silently stalking Laurie for years, and when his psychotic brother Nathan is released from prison, no one expects the horror he brings. Daniel's misguided attempts to mend the wounds of a tortured youth resurrect Laurie's childhood nightmares and force Daniel to confront his own obsession, while Nathan's twisted logic takes on demonic proportions.