After his wife's death in a car accident, Lucas Cole has become an angry, shut-down, public prosecutor trying to convict the world. He's also become a disconnected father to his son. Then on one, fateful day everything for Lucas seems to be tested: his values, career and relationships - it's Good Friday.
A 12 year old boy with a passion for dance and his brother are rescued from the streets by an old showman who takes them to live with his estranged former dancing partner/brother.
It's the summer before 6th grade, and Clark is the new-in-town biracial kid in a sea of white. Discovering that to be cool he needs to act 'more black,' he fumbles to meet expectations, while his urban intellectual parents Mack and Gina also strive to adjust to small-town living. Equipped for the many inherent challenges of New York, the tight-knit family are ill prepared for the drastically different set of obstacles that their new community presents, and soon find themselves struggling to understand themselves and each other in this new suburban context.
O que parecia ser um passeio na selva chato e monótono se transforma em uma luta pela sobrevivência, quando três irmãos esbarram em um templo escondido. Agora, o seu conhecimento e as suas habilidades são postas à prova, pois eles têm de completar uma série de obstáculos e serem mais espertos que os perigos que os aguardam, e assim conseguirem escapar do templo vivos.
Felix Funicello, um aluno da quinta série da Escola Católica St. Alosius Gonzaga, deveria focar nos estudos, mas a gramática e a aritmética ficam em segundo plano com a chegada repentina da professora substituta Madame Frechette e a nova aluna russa e mal-humorada, Zhenya Kabakova. Enquanto Felix aprende o significado de beijo francês e lida com diferenças culturais, Wishin' and Hopin' se prepara para um grande Natal.