Marcos Fernández
The story of Manuel, a young man, entrepreneur, married, has a big accident after a long chase in which he's the target, his chaser can't find him after searching his crashed car, and that's when the plot unfolds into his location. Manuel's wife, Paulina, begins a search with the police that will uncover Manuel's deepest darkest secrets.
Teniente Gómez
Dois adúlteros com tudo a perder se forem apanhados acabam encurralados num barco em alto mar.
Aura and Gael's passionate new love is quickly overshadowed by horrible news: Aura is diagnosed with an aggressive brain tumor. Gael decides to stay in the relationship and support her, but don Julio, her father, deeply concerned about his daughter's health and blinded by the possibility of losing her, opposes the relationship. Aura now faces her biggest challenge yet: to live her life with death and love knocking on her door.
An alien life form arrives in the Dominican Republic in search of freedom and forms an unique bond with an autistic girl and the town's drunkard.
Ao retornar à República Dominicana, Vera descobre que seu meio-irmão, Andrés, abandonou o MBA e que seu padrasto não é visto em casa há alguns dias. Ela também conhece Santiago, um charmoso fotógrafo, que rapidamente a convida para o sul do país: uma região que ela anseia conhecer. Andres se depara com uma realidade devastadora sobre seu pai que o obriga a fugir junto com Vera e Santiago para o sul para evitar enfrentar a verdade.