Hoa Xuande

Hoa Xuande


Hoa Xuande


A Stitch in Time
A heart-warming story about a former dressmaker who reinvents herself after befriending a young Chinese fashion designer, who inspires her to follow her dream. A joyful and moving journey that beautifully celebrates age, culture, and the diversity of Australian life. When Liebe’s partner Duncan loses his job singing at the local pub, the former dressmaker becomes motivated to help him realise his dream to record an album. Inspired by Hamish, a young Chinese fashion designer who she meets at the local markets, she decides to make clothes again to compensate for the loss of income.
Outra Vida
Coder #1
Uma cientista desenvolve uma droga revolucionária que induz realidades virtuais e expande a sensação de tempo. Quando o governo tenta assumir projeto, ela precisará decidir como usar sua poderosa criação.
Top Knot Detective
In the early 1990s, a Japanese samurai detective series was aired in Australia and became a cult success. Titled in Japan Ronin Suiri Tentai (meaning roughly Deductive Reasoning Ronin), it was soon known in the West as Top Knot Detective. The original series was legendary in Japan, a cultural train wreck led by Takashi Tawagoto, a crazy writer, producer, director and lead actor; one who could not act, fight or write at all.
Strangers in the Night
El and Jali, a twenty-something couple from Sydney’s Inner West, arrive at a house party. As El wanders through the house, she experiences a myriad of gender performances, and finds kinship in another girl, Fleur. The night changes route completely when they are confronted by a violent figure.