Pepo Oliva

Pepo Oliva


Pepo Oliva


A rural couple in crisis, who have a brother and sister with urban problems, and all of them trying to find a solution.
Texas Hold´Em - Violentos e Perigosos
Você pode estar na fila errada por horas a fio. Você pode trocar o nome da garota em pleno sexo. Você pode dar um mergulho de cabeça sem ver que está na parte mais rasa da piscina. Entretanto, nada disso se compara com as peripécias de Rai, um ladrão de carros viciado em pôquer – ele conseguiu se endividar até os tubos com um dos piores mafiosos do país, um cara que se diverte em acabar com a vida dos outros. A sorte, que há tempos parece estar longe de Rai, parece ter sorrido novamente para ele. Só que não: quando ele finalmente consegue o dinheiro para saldar a dívida de Rai com Mikima, o chefe do crime organizado, seu carro é roubado e a pasta com a grana estava dentro dele. E não para por aí...
Vidas pequeñas
A Hora Negra
Após a última Grande Guerra, as armas químicas causaram estragos entre a humanidade. Os seres humanos transformaram-se em perigosos zombies. Uma pequena comunidade de oito pessoas, entre elas crianças, tenta sobreviver a esta situação hostil vivendo isolada num casarão abandonado. Eles não podem abandonar o lugar e vivem num perpétuo estado de vigilância. Porém, a comida está cada vez mais escassa, faltam remédios e munições. Para encontrá-los devem abandonar a área segura, mas ao redor da pequena zona habitada rondam ameaças de seres que eles nem se atrevem a falar.
The Good Boy
Paco "El Tigre"
The story follows Angel (González), twenty years old and barely employed, a man of few friends and a not too promising boxing career. Angel and his mother scrape out a living in Madrid. Enter Vidal, a professional bank robber and a real charmer, just back from Argentina. A former boxer with past ties to Angel's mother and his deceased father, he offers Angel a way out of his dead-end life. Along the way, Angel will have to decide who he truly wants to be and, more importantly, what he's willing to give up.
The Night of the Brother
The Night of the brother ("La Noche del Hermano") is a chiaroscuro tale in which the characters' not always explicit feelings cover the gamut from darkness to light through the thin line between love and fear. Because the events of life are often less astonishing than the way they are shown to us.
Basilio a pickpocket with no luck, enters a mental institution to retrieve a valuable diamond necklace that briefly passed through his hands and whose value was unable to recognize. Once inside the asylum, Basilio will try to use all the skills of his trade to overcome the threats that keep him from reaching his goal. In the end, the only escape for Basilio will be to undergo the "Torapia", an innovative experimental therapy that connects man with the beast within us all.
Adolescent Hector faces a major lifestyle change after moving into his aunt's flat in a blue-collar suburb of Madrid.
The paths of a Cuban athlete, an immigrant who sells scarves and a conductive are about to cross.
Dias de Futebol
A comedic romp that celebrates the power of friendship to turn your life around, Dias de Futbol introduces us to Antonio, an ex-convict and amateur shrink who convinces his pals that the best way to overcome their midlife crises and lack of success with women is to reassemble their old soccer team and win something in life, even if only a local championship. Directed by David Serrano. Starring Alberto San Juan, Natalia Verbeke (Dot the I, Son of the Bride), Pere Ponce, and Fernando Tejero.
Segunda-Feira ao Sol
Uma cidade costeira no norte da Espanha sofre com seu isolamento quando seus estaleiros começam a ser fechados, deixando vários trabalhadores desempregados à mercê de pequenas ocupações temporárias. Entre eles está Santa (Javier Bardem), um machão rebelde e auto-suficiente que se recusa a admitir o fracasso. Mas a verdade é que ele e seus companheiros, dos quais ele se torna uma espécie de líder, são perdedores completos, mergulhados no alcoolismo e em crises familiares.
His Master's Voice
Basque Country, Spain, 1980s. In Bilbao, a gray city dominated by political corruption and nationalist terrorism, Charli works as a chauffeur for Oliveira, a businessman engaged in shady deals. Alarmed by a series of threats and attacks, Oliveira decides to entrust Charli with the protection of his daughter Marta.
No te fallaré
Luis Bermejo
"FRIENDS...THREE YEARS LATER" School is finally out. Valle and Quimi, a couple since childhood, decide to celebrate with their gang on a trip to the coast. They feel free and swear that they will always be together. But three years later, everything is quite different. A party at the high school unites them all again. They haven't seen each other for years and the tension is thick. Something unexpected changed the course of their lives. Valle is a dancer at a club and attracted to Ray, the owner, who is also an art dealer under pressure to use his nightspot to peddle drugs.
A Love That Kills
The two million Spanish women who are victims of domestic violence and the death each week of a woman at the hands of her partner is not fiction but pure reality.
Pídele cuentas al rey
Fidel, an Asturian miner, after the closure of the mine where he works, decides to walk to Madrid with his family, to ask the king why the Constitution is not met, specifically the article that points out that all the Spanish citizens have the right to have a decent work. Will the king receive him?
A month before he's to marry Carmen, Antonio finds a photograph of a man with his arm on her shoulder. The photograph triggers jealousy: he questions Carmen, Carman's friend Cinta, and his friend Luis who introduced him to Carmen. Cinta tells Antonio the man's first name. Carmen tells him that the man meant nothing to her, and that the photograph was taken before she met Antonio. She loves Antonio and sets out to wipe the photograph from his mind through exuberant sex, but her ploy backfires and Antonio remains fixated. Slowly he finds out about the man, and about Carmen's past. Will jealousy consume this couple or can they find a way to kill the green-eyed monster?
Manos de seda
Padre de Rai
Bored 15-year-old school chums Rai Manu and Javi dream of sexual adventures and exotic resorts while the well-off population of Madrid flock to the beaches on a summer holiday. The youths hang around the concrete wasteland killing time by reading the sex classifieds and pushing their luck. They masturbate, thieve, fight with their families and get involved in a drug bust. Finally Rai, the most daring and restless of the trio - gets shot while trying to steal stereo gear from a car. Each adolescent faces a dreary home life but when they get together they enjoy each other's company to the full. The film is an engaging mixture of comedy drama and the pathos of life in a Madrid neighborhood.
The Stolen Years
Two students are arrested for painting revolutionary graffiti on the university walls. They escape from the camp and flee with two American girls, disguised as rich young men who are showing Spain to two tourists.
Un buen novio
A young police inspector investigates the bank robbery and subsequent murder of one of the robbers, while discovering that his girlfriend has a lover, an old friend of hers and now their neighbor.
Hitting Bottom
Juan Gutiérrez, 44, an electrician, has been unemployed for a long time. He decides to leave his family to go find work in Madrid, believing that in the big city the opportunities will be greater. Once there, he discovers that things are not as he believed. He is an electrician. He doesn't want to clean windshields at stoplights or clean cabarets at dawn. He wants to work as an electrician. Occasionally she meets Andy, a Caribbean mulatto who boasts bulletproof optimism. With his sharp wit, he manages as best he can, trying not to be found by the immigration authorities. Despite the distances, "Gallego" and "Sudaca" become friends.
My Brother's Gun
Director del colegio
Based on the powerful novel by Ray Loriga. A young man and a young girl's lives are united under dramatic circumstances. He has just shot a security guard in the face who had accused him of robbing at a local mall. When he steals a car to escape, he meets the girl who, regardless of her suicidal inclinations, is attracted by her new companion. Together they embark on a journey in search for a true meaning in their lives.
A gypsy girl, when her grandmother dies, goes in search of his mother who abandoned her as a baby
Todo por la pasta
After a robbery at a bingo hall, the girlfriend of one of the robbers escaped with the help of another woman tries to recover the loot from the raid. The problem is that some cops also want to do with the loot, to finance political assassinations.
Tu novia está loca
Amaya is a modern girl, independent, who runs an advertising gency. The business is doing well and is enmaorada of her boyfriend, a lawyer of lost causes somewhat confused. Its stable and happy life is shattered with the appearance of a famous movie star, party animal and womanizer.