Gabe White

Gabe White


Gabe White


O Projeto de Natal: Reunião
Um rapaz desajeitado do liceu é obrigado a fugir da sua concha, quando o seu némesis da escola primária regressa à cidade e tenta roubar a sua namorada.
Choque e Pavor: A Verdade Importa
Mitch Strobel
Jornalistas fazem a cobertura do plano de invasão ao Iraque realizado em 2003. Sob a lideração do então presidente dos Estados Unidos, George Bush, a missão tinha como objetivo desarmar o Iraque de todo arsenal que os americanos e aliados considerassem uma ameaça para a paz global.
Framed: The Adventures of Zion Man
An evil Nazi, a boy's vivid imagination and his comic book drawings take you on a journey into a world where his fantasy becomes reality at the most inappropriate and dangerous time. Being 12, a talented comic book artist, having a mind of his own, his first crush, the fearlessness that comes with youth and being Jewish in Nazi Germany was Walter's life. Inspired by actual events a combination of live action and animation(based on Jaeden Lieberher's drawings) makes for a thrilling and entertaining tale.
The Christmas Project
Finn Hagbart
Even with Christmas around the corner, for the Buckley boys, payback almost always wins out over brotherly love. That is until the four brothers join forces against a common adversary--the Hagbarts, the meanest bullies at their middle school. But now Mom has decided that the Buckley family is going to Elve the Hagbarts this year for Christmas. Eleven-year-old Matthew can hardly stand it. By day the Hagbarts torture the Buckley brothers into submission, and by night the Buckleys secretly deliver Christmas treats and gifts to their sworn enemies. Soon the war of wits escalates to an incredible scheme designed to get the ultimate revenge on the Hagbarts. But now that Matthew has been learning that he's supposed to be good to those who hate him, what will he do when a little push becomes a great big shove?
Snake Bite
Four adventurous kids. One deadly snake. Ten quick minutes. Snake Bite.
Meu Pai, Morra
Younger Asher
Deaf and mute since having his hearing knocked out at the age of 12, Asher has been training for almost two decades to avenge himself on Ivan, the man that killed his older brother, 21 years ago. And now that his nemesis is out of prison, he gets his chance. But Asher's target also happens to be his father.
The Surface
Young Peter Berg
Um jovem que nunca conviveu com sua família na infância, se encontra perdido, e tendo que enfrentar seu problemas e dores interiores, quando surge a oportunidade de finalmente ser parte de uma família.
Leo's Friend
Sammy is a transgender child. She was born a boy but is living in stealth as a girl with the support of her mother and a doctor. At her new school, Sammy finds the friends she has always dreamed of having and tells them her secret in confidence. When the threat of a betrayal arises, Sammy must decide whether to run or to live as her whole self.