Rose Langlois

Nascimento : 2005-07-29,


Laurie é uma mulher carismática, que faz de tudo para se tornar famosa. Clara é uma estrela das redes sociais que vive só pelos likes de seus seguidores. Já Elizabeth enfrenta com força todas as dificuldades financeiras e amorosas da vida adulta. Juntas, as três amigas vivem um verão cheio de possibilidades, experimentando de forma caótica os paradoxos da vida de toda jovem moderna.
Born in the Maelstrom
Rebecca is an eighteen-year-old biracial girl bound in an imaginary world shaped by her black mother’s painful past. She searches for liberation from a world where she does not belong.
Three friends go on a fishing trip. Well ... that's what everyone believes.
Thanks to his wife Madeleine, a social worker who saved him from the street when he was 17-years-old, Pierre Dalpé has become a prosperous entrepreneur, running a garbage-collection business in the Montreal area. His quiet happiness with his wife and their children changes when he crosses paths with Eve, a teenage drug addict/prostitute who belongs to a street gang. At the risk of destroying everything he’s built up, Pierre decides to make it his mission to help Eve get out of her unhealthy situation before she dies of an overdose, like his sister did. But in doing so, he has to confront his old demons, to Madeleine’s despair, as she feels him slipping farther away from her every day.