Three very different Los Angeles teenage girls find themselves pregnant and dealing with poverty, drugs and confusion. Shanika (Tamara LaSeon Bass) has a drug addict for a mother and is currently living in a foster home. Araceley (Tonatzin Mondragon) tries living with her loser and broke boyfriend after her parents kick her out of their house out of shame. Tina (Keely Vint), born to a teenage mother herself, isn't sure who the father of her child is.
Susan (Age 6)
Cinquenta anos na vida de dois irmãos, Buddy e Stan, que desde pequenos fazem todos rir. Buddy vira comediante e Stan, seu empresário. Mas a crescente arrogôncia e o péssimo temperamento de Buddy o levam a intermináveis confrontos, inclusive com o irmão.
Young Sharon
Tyne Daly plays a woman who sees the dreams of her youth change over a 22-year period as, first, her surgeon husband leaves her for another relationship, and then, her children, on reaching adulthood, go their separate ways. Adapted from the 1988 novel by Rand Richards Cooper.