Rosa Maria Espinet


Ho sap el ministre?
Manifestant 7
La teranyina
Sra. GavaldĂ 
Star Knight
A medieval alchemist (Klaus Kinski), knight (Harvey Keitel) and priest (Fernando Rey) mistake a flying-saucer alien for a dragon.
Catalan Cuckold
(as Rosa MÂȘ Espinet)
Comedy about a marriage guidance counselor whose own marriage is on the rocks.
Nunca en horas de clase
Adelaida (as Rosetta Espinet)
Let's Go, Barbara
Doncella de Ana
Ana is Catalan, daughter of a bourgeois family and works in a studio in advertising. She is 38 years old and has only lived with her husband, with whom she has a relationship cold but accepted by both. Although his family is opposed, decides to leave her husband and takes a vacation with her daughter Barbara, of 12 years, in order to leave behind all the past and start a freer life, with fewer ties, less conventional.