Jarrett Furst


Her Affair to Die For
Line Producer
A young woman’s dad becomes the obsession of her seductive roommate who will stop at nothing to possess him.
Space Hunters: The Battle for Deepstar
Associate Producer
Titanic 666
Line Producer
Depois que um navio de cruzeiro gigante navega sobre o local do desastre do Titanic, eventos sombrios e mortais começam a ocorrer a bordo. Quando o capitão do navio investiga as trágicas ocorrências, torna-se claro que os passageiros do Titanic original voltaram.
Death Rider in the House of Vampires
Associate Producer
In the Wild West, the mysterious Death Rider enters a dangerous Vampire Sanctuary where the price of admission is a one female virgin.
Line Producer
A global scientific summit debates and fails on a plan to stop a massive asteroid heading straight for Earth, with all countries blaming each other for the impeding disaster. With communications tense, the daughter of a tech billionaire assembles her own team of specialists to try to destroy the asteroid before it is too late.
Monster Hunters
Additional Casting
When an alien prison ship crash lands and unleashes creature after creature in the California desert, they make quick work of the army that tries to stop them. Now, the only hope of stopping the aliens rests with a secret branch of the government specializing in alien weaponry. But with the team untested in actual combat, the battle for Earth will be brutal.
Corrida Fatal
Line Producer
Jack Tyson é um jovem participando de uma corrida ilegal de carros no México para a Califórnia, quando uma mulher desesperada, fugindo do namorado abusivo de gângster que financia o torneio, entra no carro pedindo ajuda e tem um drive USB incriminador que poderia enviar seu namorado bandido, entre outros, para a prisão.
Collision Earth
Line Producer
A large meteor shower unexpectedly bombards planet Earth. Scientists rush to the scene of the first impact and the race is on to find a solution to save humanity.
For Jennifer
Jennifer, Stefanie, and Joey are making a movie. But soon the lines between what is a movie and what is real begin to disappear. And when making a horror movie, that can be a difference between life and death.
The Office Mix-Up
Line Producer
Lacey Keller is brilliantly creative. The only problem is, no one seems to notice, and Lacey doesn't have the confidence to make them notice. Struggling to make ends meet between a job at her best friend's jewelry store and as a night security guard at a marketing firm, Lacey sketches some ideas for a struggling campaign, which accidentally gain the notice of Mikey, the firm's CEO, and his brother Greg, who is trying to prove himself with the campaign. Just one problem -- they assume Lacey is Valerie Staken, an executive who actually turned down their job offer to work at another firm. Tempted by the opportunity to catch up on her bills, Lacey takes on Valerie's identity.
Battle Star Wars
Line Producer
Quando o líder da maligna Coalizão ameaça destruir um planeta rebelde por seus recursos, sua filha não terá escolha a não ser se juntar ao lado rebelde e lutar pelo que é certo.
Acima da Lei
Associate Producer
Steven Seagal, DMX e Johnny Messner estrelam este filme cheio de ação sobre a busca de um homem por justiça em uma cidade corrupta. Quando um ex-detetive fica sabendo do assassinato de seu filho distante, ele se aventura de volta às ruas escuras que ele conhecia tão bem. Armado, perigoso e sem nada a perder, ele deve enfrentar a implacável multidão local em sua missão de vingança.
Line Producer
Um grupo de adolescentes luta por suas vidas enquanto se vêem presos em uma casa de diversões, perseguida por um palhaço assassino que não descansa até que cada um deles esteja morto.
An anthology, based on the comics of the same name by Glenn Danzig, in which the erotic and horrific combine to create multiple ghoulish tales of bloodlust, murder, the occult and the forbidden.
Virus of the Dead
What happens when an uncontrollable virus turns the living into the living dead?
Virus of the Dead
What happens when an uncontrollable virus turns the living into the living dead?
Line Producer
A black ops reconnaissance team is sent to investigate the crash of an unidentified aircraft. When they arrive, they find strange markings and residue visible only in infrared. As the team gets deeper in and tries to figure out the source of the markings, they discover that they are being hunted by an alien expedition to Earth.
Gangster Land
The story of America's most famous mobsters and their rise to power. Examine Al Capone's ascension through the eyes of his second in command, “Machine Gun” Jack McGurn.
Bethany - A Amiga Imaginária
Production Supervisor
Uma jovem é assombrada por seu amigo imaginário de infância. Muitas surpresas lhe aguardam ao voltar para casa.
Bethany - A Amiga Imaginária
Associate Producer
Uma jovem é assombrada por seu amigo imaginário de infância. Muitas surpresas lhe aguardam ao voltar para casa.
2 Jennifer
Two filmmakers attempt to make the perfect sequel to "To Jennifer," however a dark secret threatens the lives of everyone involved. Jennifer, a beautiful actress, now has two options: become the heroine of the film, or face a brutal death.
2 Jennifer
Two filmmakers attempt to make the perfect sequel to "To Jennifer," however a dark secret threatens the lives of everyone involved. Jennifer, a beautiful actress, now has two options: become the heroine of the film, or face a brutal death.
To Jennifer
Convinced that his longtime girlfriend is cheating on him, heartbroken Joey recruits his cousin Steven to shoot a video that will prove her guilt. Before the video is completed, however, Joey and Steven uncover something so sinister is shakes them to the very core.
Darkness of Man
Um agente da Interpol deve proteger o filho de um informante assassinado de gangues impiedosas.
Having taken control of a maximum security prison, a criminal mastermind faces off against a retired Black Ops agent who had been visiting his incarcerated son.