Nizar Zulmi


Ayah Bayu dan Indra
Indra and Bayu, dream of becoming motorcycle racers. So they compete in an illegal street race and fight a rival motorcycle gang that almost claims their lives. But when their dream is about to be achieved, Indra and Bayu are faced with two difficult choices.
d'Girlz Begins
Alexa, a young policewoman, is assigned to capture the drug kingpin, Ricardo Monte Carlo. The police try to find the key witness, but he is missing and only his daughter, Casandra, knows his hiding place. Then Alexa has to go undercover as a college student to get close to Casandra, but when the latter also goes missing, Alexa gets her fellow classmates mobilized to help.
Kutunggu di Sudut Semanggi
The film features the events taking place during the first Semanggi Tragedy, November 13th 1998. Combining fiction and real events, it uses footage from television coverage of the Semanggi shootings. Lanang, a student activist in Atmajaya University, is preparing for a mass scale demonstration at the Parliament Special Session with his friends. Lanang's mother, Mrs. Satya Graha and her friend, Jeng Tri, help the student action by providing logistics. On the same day, Novie, Lanang’s girlfriend is having her birthday. Lanang asks Novie to join the demonstration and after that, they will celebrate Novie’s birthday together. But Novie chooses to have a party at Indri’s house instead. In the afternoon, the Semanggi incident breaks. Lanang is one of the 250 victims of the shootings. Novie tries to find Lanang at the corner of Semanggi, but then she receives a call from Lanang’s friend, telling her that he is in the hospital.
Mystery of the Cold-Blooded Woman
A murdered woman returns to life as a shape-shifting ghost who can transform into a wolf.
Snap of Red Spider's Web
Immediate sequel to Sengatan Laba-laba Merah ("Sting of the Red Spider"), released earlier the same year. Evil spider woman Rengganis aka Laba-laba Merah (Red Spider) is baaaack! Only heavily injured (not killed... suckers!) from the climactic fight in Round 1, Rengganis runs away and meets up with her former karate teacher's arch nemesis. The two cause all kinds of problems and kill all kinds of people but Rengganis is also looking for a cure as turning into an ugly spider monster all the time is growing rather tiresome for her.
Final Score
Richard Brown, a decorated Vietnam War veteran now living in Indonesia, discovers that gunmen invaded his home, murdered his son, Bobby, (preparing to celebrate his 8th birthday), and gang-raped and murdered his wife, Florinda. Vowing revenge, he begins to track down the culprits, learning in the process that they're in the employ of a business rival named Hawk. At one point he's captured, beaten, and tortured but then he's rescued by Julia, Hawk's personal secretary, who also seeks revenge on her employer for causing the death of her sister. Brown eventually finds and confronts Hawk at Hawk's fortress-like compound.