Quando Melissa Greg se encarrega de vender a casa de sua infância em Augusta, na Geórgia, na época do Natal, ela reencontra uma paixão do passado, o corretor de imóveis David Patrick que concorda em ajudá-la com a venda.
Southern attorney Angie Lawrence searches of the rightful owner of a journal recovered from an antebellum home she inherited. The journal is full of mystery and history that just may lead her to the future she has always dreamed of.
Southern Baptist Sissies é um filme tanto hilário quanto comovente da experiência teatral da peça ganhadora do prêmio GLAAD do escritor/diretor Del Shores, sobre quatro garotos gays crescendo na igreja batista do sul e como eles lidam de maneira diferente com o conflito entre os ensinamentos da igreja, que pregam que ser gay é errado e passível de "cura" através de oração, e seus desejos e sexualidade.
In the feature-length documentary SOAP LIFE, producers John Grossman and Matthew D’Amato attempt to find out why, with millions of viewers, these icons of American culture are disappearing from the television landscape. SOAP LIFE features interviews with actors, directors, producers, writers, and fans to get their perspective on the changing face of daytime television.
After losing their young son, a young couple struggle to keep their lives and relationships intact. Their lives soon change when they met Matthias, a young boy who had lost his family.