Françoise Andrejka


Makeup Artist
Mes héros
Key Makeup Artist
A Professora de Piano
Makeup Artist
Erika Kohut trabalha como professora de piano no Conservatório de Viena. Ela não bebe nem fuma, vivendo na casa de sua mãe aos 40 anos. Quando não está dando aulas Erika costuma frequentar cinemas pornôs e peep-shows, em busca de excitação. Logo ela inicia um relacionamento com Walter Klemmer, um de seus alunos, com quem realiza vários jogos perversos.
An Affair of Love
Makeup Artist
A man and a woman meet to fulfill her sexual fantasy.
A Escola da Carne
Makeup Artist
Fashion executive Dominique's obsession for Quentin, a young bisexual hustler, fills her desire for physical love but leaves her taxed emotionally. Twists and turns in the relationship, along with the man's violent and abusive nature, force Dominique to reconcile the conflicts created by her passion. In this quest, Dominique is aided, and sometimes hindered, by friends, clients, and Quentin's former and current acquaintances.
Love on the Ground
Makeup Artist
A fashionable playwright-director offers roles to two young actresses. Shortly after accepting, the actresses notice strange clauses in their contract – namely they must live at the director’s large appartment during rehearsals. Soon thereafter, the mysteries, hallucinations and rivalries begin.
De Paris, Com Amor
Assistant Makeup Artist
French Postcards rings both comic and true. The believable, fresh-faced characters are young naives from American colleges spending their French-English dictionaries, they compulsively seek out hundreds of monuments, romanticize the nomadic artist's life, and look for grown-up love. The French tutor them well, as befits their reputation. Jean Rochefort is the harassed headmaster with a hankering for affairs, and Marie-France Pisier is his very sexy wife. Watch for a newcomer named Debra Winger, and another-Mandy Patinkin.
Assistant Makeup Artist
After years of poverty, Carrier, a repairman, inherits a large sum of money upon his brother's death in an accident. Now rich, he decides it is time to make his mark and be known at any cost. Becoming more and more mentally unstable, he begins to threaten police and the government signing his tracts, "Armaguedon". A detective from Interpol heads the investigation and prepares a trap at an international conference of world leaders in Paris.
Cidadão Klein
Makeup Artist
Sr. Klein, um negociante de artes, se aproveita da situação dos judeus durante a ocupação de Paris para comprar e vender obras dos que querem fugir da França. Ao saber que é suspeito de ser judeu pelas autoridades nazistas, ele procura a identidade de outro Sr. Klein.