Elisabet Gelabert
Nascimento : 1972-09-10, Madrid, Spain
Julia has just received the test result. The cancer has spread and she doesn't have much time. She goes with her sister to a spiritual retreat looking for peace and quiet. However, something unexpected happens.
Julia Francés
A jovem Sara, filha de Oliver e Julia, desaparece de repente. Dias se passam sem nenhuma notícia sobre a menina, até que a família recebe uma carta de alguém que diz ter sequestrado Sara e quer apenas uma coisa: falar com eles naquela mesma noite.
An industrial warehouse is turned into a stage where a group of ordinary professionals are assembled daily to perform different tasks with apparent normality. Meanwhile, from the darkness of the auditorium, dozens of visitors observe the "wonderful" work show.
Oliver, a young film director, discovers on a porn Web site one night that the protagonist of one of the erotic videos is his younger half-sister Aurora. In the process of finding out what she was doing there, Oliver will become fascinated by his sister.
A family reunites to discuss the selling of their beloved house, but their secrets threaten to overwhelm them as they come to light.
Alicia (Lucia Pollan) é uma garota de 12 anos que, por ter leucemia, leva uma vida bastante regrada e cheia de idas e vindas ao hospital. Seu pai, Luis (Luis Bermejo), faz tudo o que pode por ela. Um dia, ao olhar em seu diário, o pai descobre que um dos desejos da garota é ter um vestido exclusivo de uma personagem de anime japonês, que custa quase 7 mil euros. Decidido a presenteá-la, Luis busca algum meio de obter a quantia. A oportunidade surge quando é ajudado por uma mulher problemática, Bárbara (Barbara Lennie), que está sozinha em seu apartamento.
A fragmented view of contemporary Spain, drawing conclusions about the persistence of the human condition, strangeness, and the chaos within relationships.
The Venga Monjas face a terrible creative challenge: to make a video in honor of a woman's deceased daughter. They only have a character the girl had drawn and the name Don Pepe Popi to begin with.
The Night of the brother ("La Noche del Hermano") is a chiaroscuro tale in which the characters' not always explicit feelings cover the gamut from darkness to light through the thin line between love and fear. Because the events of life are often less astonishing than the way they are shown to us.
One winter night, Pilar runs away from home. With her, she takes only a few belongings and her son, Juan. Antonio soon sets out to look for her. He says Pilar is his sunshine, and what's more, "She gave him her eyes"...
The two million Spanish women who are victims of domestic violence and the death each week of a woman at the hands of her partner is not fiction but pure reality.