Reyes Abades

Reyes Abades

Nascimento : 1949-07-25, Castilblanco, Badajoz, Spain

Morte : 2018-02-01


Reyes Abades


Special Effects
Norte de Espanha, Outubro de 1944. Vários grupos de guerrilheiros, antigos soldados republicanos exilados em França após o fim da guerra civil espanhola, infiltram-se no país para provocar uma revolta popular contra a ditadura do General Franco…
Some Time Later
Special Effects Coordinator
Planet Earth, 9177. The remains of humankind live in a post-apocalyptic environment divided into only two social classes: the ruling king and the oligarchs who inhabit the Representative Building and the poor of the world who hardly survive in the slums built around it.
O Homem Que Matou Dom Quixote
Special Effects Supervisor
O publicitário Toby (Adam Driver) viaja até a Espanha para uma filmagem e recebe um filme amador de um cigano desconhecido. Maravilhado com a obra, ele em busca da origem do filme e acaba saltando no tempo diretamente para o século XVII, onde encontra o mítico cavaleiro de La Mancha, Dom Quixote (Jonathan Pryce) e acaba sendo confundido com Sancho Panza.
The Simón's Jigsaw: A Trip to the Universe of Juan Piquer Simón
A journey through the work of Spanish filmmaker Juan Piquer Simón (1935-2011).
Frozen Silence
Master of Ceremonies
Russian front, winter 1943. Soldier Arturo Andrade and Sergeant Fernando Espinosa are commissioned to investigate a mysterious murder while the Spanish Blue Division of the German Army endures the fierce counterattack of the Red Army.
Frozen Silence
Special Effects Supervisor
Russian front, winter 1943. Soldier Arturo Andrade and Sergeant Fernando Espinosa are commissioned to investigate a mysterious murder while the Spanish Blue Division of the German Army endures the fierce counterattack of the Red Army.
Frozen Silence
Special Effects
Russian front, winter 1943. Soldier Arturo Andrade and Sergeant Fernando Espinosa are commissioned to investigate a mysterious murder while the Spanish Blue Division of the German Army endures the fierce counterattack of the Red Army.
Che 2: A Guerrilha
Special Effects Supervisor
Em 1967, com poucas tropas e recursos, além de uma saúde fraca, Che e diversos voluntários cubanos levantaram uma pequena guerrilha para derrotar o movimento militar boliviano e assim espalhar a revolução no país.
El último truco
Special Effects
Documentary film about visual effects master Emilio Ruiz del Rio. From his early works on films at 1942, to his last contribution at 2007, Emilio Ruiz talks on his film experiences and traditional trickery, using foreground miniatures, glass shots, and painted cut out miniatures. It shows interviews with some of the professionals he has worked with, like, Rafaela de Laurentiis, Ray Harryhausen, Guillermo del Toro, or Enzo Castellari
O Labirinto do Fauno
Special Effects Supervisor
Em 1944, na Espanha, a jovem Ofélia e sua mãe doente chegam ao posto do novo marido de sua mãe, um sádico oficial do exército que está tentando reprimir uma guerrilheira. Enquanto explorava um labirinto antigo, Ofélia encontra o Pan fauno, que diz que a menina é uma lendária princesa perdida e que ela precisa completar três tarefas perigosas a fim de se tornar imortal.
O Labirinto do Fauno
Special Effects Coordinator
Em 1944, na Espanha, a jovem Ofélia e sua mãe doente chegam ao posto do novo marido de sua mãe, um sádico oficial do exército que está tentando reprimir uma guerrilheira. Enquanto explorava um labirinto antigo, Ofélia encontra o Pan fauno, que diz que a menina é uma lendária princesa perdida e que ela precisa completar três tarefas perigosas a fim de se tornar imortal.
Special Effects Supervisor
O espadachim do século XVII Diego Alatriste é contratado para matar o Príncipe de Gales e o duque de Buckingham sem saber que se trata deles. Ao descobrir a identidade de seus alvos, entende que terá que enfrentar pessoas muito poderosas.
O Lobo
Special Effects Coordinator
Mikel Lejarza, também conhecido como "Lobo", foi um agente dos serviços secretos espanhóis que conseguiu se infiltrar na ETA entre 1973 e 1975. Ele levou à queda de cerca de 150 ativistas e colaboradores, incluindo os membros mais proeminentes dos comandos especiais e os principais Liderança. A "Operação Lobo" foi um golpe para a organização terrorista no momento em que seus ataques sangrentos estavam se tornando a desculpa perfeita para os setores mais involucionistas do regime de Franco tentarem impedir o estabelecimento da democracia.
¡Hasta aquí hemos llegado!
Special Effects
When his wife cheats on him, his car is stolen, and his company is accused of embezzlement, Rodrigo (Carlos Sobera) decides to stage his death, come back as his long-lost twin brother, Ricardo, and start fresh with his family. But much to his chagrin, he learns that his wife doesn't miss him, his kids speak poorly of him, and his boss may have framed him. Elisa Matilla, Cora Tiedra and Javier Pereira co-star in this comedy.
A Espinha do Diabo
Special Effects Coordinator
Depois que Carlos, um garoto de 12 anos cujo pai morreu na Guerra Civil Espanhola, chega a um orfanato ameaçador de meninos, ele descobre que a escola é assombrada e tem muitos segredos obscuros que ele deve descobrir.
Manos de seda
Special Effects
What Makes Women Laugh?
Special Effects
Luci, Graci and Mar­, three sisters that make a comedy trio, go to the wedding of their father with a woman who is 45 years younger than him. During the feast Luci's husband dies in an accident. Despite the tragedy, the trio have to fulfill their commitment acting during August in Benidorm. The widow discovers thanks to a notebook that her husband cheated on her, so she decides to flirt with everyone.
Like a Bolt of Lightning
Special Effects Technician
Miguel Hermoso's Like Lightning offers a fresh take on a familiar scenario, the teenaged boy searching for his unknown father. Pablo is a typical teen, with a fondness for football and sneaking beers with his buddies. He enjoys a comfortable upper-middle class life with his mother (Assumpta Serna), a successful lawyer and former feminist rabble-rouser, but has a gaping hole at the core of his identity: he has no idea who his father is. Preoccupied with the question to the point of obsession, he sets out in search of answers, and finds himself on a trail that leads to the Canary Islands.
Special Effects
Angel, an exterminator recently released from a mental hospital, comes to rid a small Spanish town of tiny grubs in the soil. The local wine-making industry has found these pests responsible for giving their product an "earthy" taste that has divided local opinion. While in town, Angel becomes involved with two beautiful and very different women, and impacts their lives on a grand scale. Can either of these women accept the fact that Angel travels with a "ghost" of himself, or that he routinely speaks with the deseased townspeople?
Special Effects
A gypsy girl, when her grandmother dies, goes in search of his mother who abandoned her as a baby
Special Effects Supervisor
While the three heir sons of a hotel owner want to bring their establishment back to the glamour of former times, a Department of Health official tries to find the way of closing it permanently.
Terra e Liberdade
Special Effects Supervisor
Primavera de 1936, um jovem comunista desempregado, David, deixa sua cidade natal Liverpool para se juntar à luta contra o fascismo na Espanha. Ele se junta a um grupo internacional de milícia, homens e mulheres, o POUM (Partido Obrero de Unificación Marxista). Depois de ser ferido, ele vai para Barcelona, ​​onde decide se juntar a outro grupo de milícia. Eles permanecem em Barcelona e acabam brigando outros grupos antifascistas. David está decepcionado e decide voltar para sua antiga milícia.
El rey del río
Special Effects
An air-hostess is pregnant but she does not know the name of the father, a foreigner. When the baby is born, she gives it to her sister that has already two children. The child grows up as another member of the family. Although the adults keep the secret, the children know that he is different.
Felicidades, Tovarich
Special Effects
Running Out of Time
Special Effects Technician
Days before committing an attack, Antonio, a gunman of the terrorist gang ETA who has dedicated his life to a cause he no longer believes in, meets Charo, a young drug addict who, despite the sordid environment in which she lives, still retains her innocence.
Running Out of Time
Days before committing an attack, Antonio, a gunman of the terrorist gang ETA who has dedicated his life to a cause he no longer believes in, meets Charo, a young drug addict who, despite the sordid environment in which she lives, still retains her innocence.
All Men Are the Same
Special Effects
Three divorced men who share a flat live together without trouble until they hire a cleaning lady.
La leyenda de la doncella
Special Effects
Legend has it that, a long time ago in Galicia (Spain), witches were transformed into hornets to harm men and change the destiny of their lives.
Orquesta Club Virginia
Special Effects
El día que nací yo
Special Effects
A gypsy who sells fish in a market, sings on weekends in a tablao. One day, a professor, exiled in Cádiz for her political ideas, offers the cantaora a job.
As Idades de Lulu
Special Effects
As experiências de Lulu e Pablo que iniciam na adolescência um jogo amoroso que continua na vida adulta. Pablo cria um mundo à parte para Lulu, um universo privado onde não há tempo. Mas esse mundo ideal desaparece quando Lulu, com 30 anos, descobre o perigoso e perverso universo dos desejos proibidos.
Letters from Alou
Special Effects
A group of Africans clandestinely reaches the coast of southern Spain. Among them is Alou, a 28 years old Senegalese. As all his belongings are stolen while in Almsería, he has no choice but to engage in street vending. His only pleasure are the letters he writes to his family to tell the vicissitudes of his Spanish adventure.
Scent of a Crime
Special Effects
Spain, 1950s. The corpse of an unknown person appears in the town square of Bocentellas, within the mythical territory of Región. The inhabitants will ask for help to Captain Medina, young officer in command of a nearby military fort, until the arrival of the judge.
Mulheres à Beira de Um Ataque de Nervos
Special Effects
Em Madrid, Pepa Marcos, uma atriz de dobragens para televisão, é abandonada pelo amante, Ivan. Enquanto tenta falar com ele, é visitada pelo filho deste, Carlos e pela namorada, Marisa, que desejam alugar o seu apartamento. Surge também a sua melhor amiga Candela, que depois de se ter apaixonado por um desconhecido, descobriu que ele é um terrorista xiita e receia ser presa. Enquanto a namorada de Carlos bebe inadvertidamente um gaspacho cheio de soporíferos e adormece profundamente, Pepa faz de tudo para evitar que a verdadeira mulher de Ivan o mate quando ambas descobrem que este planeava viajar com uma segunda amante, a advogada que Pepa tentara contratar para defender Candela.
The House of Bernarda Alba
Special Effects
After the death of her husband Bernarda Alba puts her daughters under a rigurous mourning which does not even allow them to leave the house.
Balada da Praia dos Cães
Special Effects
Em Portugal, no início dos anos 60, aparece na Praia dos Cães o cadáver de um homem brutalmente assassinado. O cadáver é identificado como sendo o do major Dantas, um homem procurado pelas autoridades após a sua evasão de uma prisão militar onde aguardava julgamento por insurreição.
In a Glass Cage
Special Effects
A former nazi child-killer is confined in an iron lung inside an old mansion after a suicide attempt. His wife hires him a full-time carer, a mysterious young man who is driven slowly mad by the old man's disturbing past.
Caminho de Fogo
Special Effects Supervisor
Max Donigan (Chuck Norris) parte em busca de um tesouro com o seu amigo Leo e a sua sócia Patricia. Quando encontram o templo com o tesouro de ouro, deparam um "caminho de fogo" que pretende reter o poder dos seus antepassados e pôr um ponto final à caça ao tesouro...
Special Effects
Puzzle is a Spanish Drama starring Antonio Banderas
Special Effects
Um toureiro é ferido por um touro e não pode mais matar na arena. É apenas uma falha, além de muitas outras de vários personagens que colidem de forma insuspeita.
Star Knight
Special Effects
A medieval alchemist (Klaus Kinski), knight (Harvey Keitel) and priest (Fernando Rey) mistake a flying-saucer alien for a dragon.
Turn of the Screw
Special Effects
A young man is hired to take care of two orphaned siblings in a remote seaside mansion and soon realizes that someone…or something from the past is out to get the children.
The Holy Innocents
Special Effects
Somewhere in the spanish country, in the 60s. Paco and his wife Régula are very poor. They work as tenant farmers for a very wealthy landowner. They have 3 children. One is backward. The others can not got to school because the master "needs" their work. When Regula's brother is fired from where he has worked for 61 years, he settles down at their little place... An attack against the archaism of the spanish country of the 60s.
Depressa, Depressa
Special Effects
Angela is a young waitress who turns her back on society when she meets and falls in love with Pablo, a reckless criminal delinquent. Along with Pablo’s gang of car thieves, the pair embark on a drug and disco-fueled robbery spree as they hurtle toward oblivion.
Special Effects
A chronicle of the life of Jaro, the leader of a juvenile delinquent gang, depicting his rise from street urchin to outlaw anti-hero on the way to his inevitable end.
La llamaban la madrina
Special Effects
Trini is the daughter and granddaughter of thieves. Before it was a specialist in the art of opening safes, but one day decided to change their way of life and is now a cashier at a supermarket. It has also taken a law student boyfriend, but all will be dashed when his father stop, Mr. Baldomero, for stealing 36 kilos of appliances.