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Several mysterious killings take place in the underworld. A war fighter trying to find the culprit behind these murders. He finds that the victims are killed by a crystal statue. The statue is made of an ordinary man who is good at sculpting, but is controlled by an evil demon and warrior knows that he must stop the demon before several statues will. While traveling man who created the statue out to find his statue to prove his innocence.
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Guo Jing and Huang Rong return to Peach Blossom Island and are shocked to see that Guo's first martial arts teachers, the "Seven Freaks of Jiangnan", have all been murdered except for Ke Zhen'e. Guo Jing is tricked into believing that Huang Rong's father, Huang Yaoshi, is responsible for the murders and he attempts to avenge his teachers by fighting Huang Yaoshi. The intelligent Huang Rong eventually uncovers the truth and reveals that the murders are actually part of a plot masterminded by Ouyang Feng and Yang Kang. Ouyang and Yang want to make Guo Jing and Huang Yaoshi kill each other and Yang can learn Ouyang's newly mastered skills from the fake copy of the Nine Yin Manual.
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Guo Jing and Huang Rong pursue Yang Kang to Iron Palm Peak, where Qiu Qianren and the Iron Palm Sect is based. Huang is injured by Qiu in a fight and she escapes with Guo Jing's help. Guo brings her in search of a cure to heal her wounds and they stumble upon a house in a swamp, inhabited by a woman called Yinggu. Yinggu tells them that the only person who can save Huang Rong's life is Duan Zhixing, the former ruler of the Kingdom of Dali, who has become a monk now.
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While possessed by an evil spirit, a man murders his daughter. A police detective investigating the case also becomes possessed. A good monk helps fight the evil spirit.
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Após seu pai ser traido pelo Imperador e sentenciado à morte, o jovem Yuan Cheng (Phillip Kwok) entra para a escola de Artes Marciais do Mestre Lung Yau. Apos crescer e desenvolver uma grande habilidade nas artes marciais, Cheng parte em busca de seu destino e acaba encontrando o esconderijo de um importante manual de treinamento das artes marciais, a espada e uma coleçao de dardos que pertence ao já falecido grande mestre Hsia Shiue, conhecido como a "Serpente Dourada".
Art Direction
Durante o esplendor da desonrada dinastia Ming, dois jovens guerreiros que pertencem ao clã de rebeldes do Templo de Shaolin estão numa missão secreta mortal, que poderá causar a derrubada do império. Os temidos guerreiros Wutang, que estão do lado do governo, procuram impedi-los a todo custo. Assim, explode uma violenta rivalidade ente os dois clãs, que marcará com sangue a fantástica batalha pela liberdade política e social, onde os guerreiros de Wutang lutam contra os guerreiros do Templo de Shaolin. O confronto entre vários estilos das artes marciais é o ponto alto dessa história de vingança e traição.
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Constantly mistreated by her cruel husband, the frail Chan Sau-ying awaits certain death from tuberculosis. The new servant girl, Yi-wah takes pity on her mistress' plight and the pair proceed to drown him one evening. They dump his body in a near-by pond but Sau-ying believes that the man's bloated corpse has risen from the bog to seek vengeance.
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O diretor Kuei Chih Hung foi famoso por seus modernos thrillers criminais, seus filmes de terror e até mesmo suas comédias. Mas se o único filme de kung-fu que ele já fez fosse este, ainda seria falado com respeito pelo mais ardente fã de filmes de artes marciais. Dois milhões de taéis foram roubados de uma câmara na Cidade Proibida. A Imperatriz quer o dinheiro de volta dentro de dez dias. O chefe de polícia Leng Tian-Ying é contratado para capturar os ladrões, vivos ou mortos, mas Leng nunca captura alguém vivo. O policial Leng Tian-Ying tem uma reputação temível de matar criminosos sem remorso. Mas depois de ser designado para rastrear a gangue que roubou o tesouro imperial, ele descobre que sua reputação está sendo usada contra ele.
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Actors David Chaing and Alexander Fu Sheng join director Chang Cheh and the rest of the Five Deadly Venoms crew for a supernatural martial arts epic that takes the action to another plane of reality entirely. When a fallen angel descends to the Earth on a mission to storm the underworld, a love shared between angels and humans offers telling testament to the power of a lucky ghost. In the battle that follows, both the living and the dead will discover that a war waged in hell could have consequences that resound forever
Set Decoration
Ming partisan Chu who is on the run from Manchu forces. Local merchant and kung fu enthusiast Li Chen-chau gives the fugitive shelter in his pawnshop and quietly recruits some of his fellow martial master associates to help protect the lad. When Li's professional rival rats him out, Manchu official Liang not only orchestras his army but fools a couple other kung fu masters including Beggar Su into helping his cause. After a heated battle, Li manages to convince Su to joining his cause, thus forming the Ten Tigers.
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Ah To, um exímio lutador de Kung-Fu é forçado por seu pai a aceitar um casamento arranjado. A noiva é a bela e temperamental Kuda, uma jovem japonesa. Logo ele descobre que ela é mestra em artes marciais japoneses, as quais insiste serem superiores as chinesas. Tal comportamento leva o casal a vários conflitos, que culminam com Ah To tendo que enfrentar sete mestres das artes marciais que chegam do Japão e o desafiam para provar a superioridade de seus astros de luta. Novamente o grande mestre Lau Kar-leung nos brinda com um grande clássico, onde apoiado por um elenco de primeira, mostra os vários estilos das artes marciais chinesas e japonesas.
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Um rico especialista em kung fu, que se tornou amargo e malvado com o assassinato de sua esposa e a perda das mãos de seu filho, intimida uma cidade por meio do terror e da força. Eles encontram prazer e satisfação incapacitando aqueles que tropeçam em seu caminho. Quatro dos aleijados, um vendedor ambulante cego, um ferreiro mudo e surdo, um errante que perde as pernas e um lutador que perde a sanidade, unem-se para usar suas deficiências da melhor maneira possível. Os quatro são testados repetidamente e demonstram seus pontos fortes e habilidades.
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Por causa de suas crescentes influências na população, os monges shaolins se tornaram uma ameaça a Dinastia Ching. Um general Marchuriano urde um plano para por fima a essa ameaça. Realiza um torneio amistoso entre os shaolins do norte e do sul para escolher quem será o instrutor de kung fu do exército imperial. Durante o torneio, o general secretamente mata os representantes do sul e manda seus corpos para o templo, pondo a culpa nos shaolins do norte. Revoltado com os acontecimentos, o monge superior envia três novos discípulos especialmente treinados para enfrentar os shaolins do norte em busca de vingança. Após um grande e feroz confronto entre os shaolins, o plano do general é finalmente descoberto e os discípulos se unem para enfrentar os manchurianos num grande e espetacular combate final.
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"O Clã do Veneno" é um grupo de cinco lutadores altamente treinados, com suas habilidades individuais baseadas na Centopéia, na Cobra, no Escorpião, no Lagarto e no Sapo. O velho mestre do clã, treina um último discípulo para cumprir uma difícil missão: verificar se algum membro do clã está usando suas habilidades para o mal e se for o caso, eliminá-lo. O grande problema é que eles foram treinados usando máscaras e ninguém, nem mesmo o velho mestre, conhece suas identidades. Os Cinco Venenos de Shaolin é considerado um marco nos filmes de Artes Marciais, tendo sido responsável por uma grande mudança de estilo no gênero.
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Depois que sua família é morta por soldados Manchus, jovem decide se tornar um monge no Templo de Shaolin para aprender artes marciais e se vingar. No entanto ele consegue algo ainda maior, abrindo uma sala de treinamento, a chamada 36ª câmara, para ensinar a população como se defender de ataques.
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Struggling to survive the murderous gang wars of Hong Kong, Tan Tung, a young martial arts street fighter, successfully takes on all challengers—until he runs up against the savage underworld empire of Hong Kong's Triad mafia. Escaping to San Francisco, he again tangles with criminal gangs, but this time fights his way to the top of the city's most feared gangster organization led by the White Dragon boss.
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A brother who loves books and a sister who loves swords must face a yellow-robed warrior, the Red Python, a sinuous snake-charmer, and a silk-masked beauty (who must kill or wed the first man to see her face) before they can bring peace to their battle-addled family.
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Word of a monster ape ten stories tall living in the Himalayas reaches fortune hunters in Hong Kong. They travel to India to capture it, but wild animals and quicksand dissuade all but Johnny, an adventurer with a broken heart. He finds the monster and discovers it's been raising a scantily-clad woman, Samantha, since she survived a plane crash years before that killed her parents. In the idyllic jungle, Johnny and Samantha fall in love. Then Johnny asks her to convince "Utam" to go to Hong Kong. Lu Tien, an unscrupulous promoter, takes over: Utam is in chains for freak show exhibitions. When Lu Tien assaults Samantha, Utam's protective instincts take over: havoc in Hong Kong.
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The "Godfather Of The Kung-Fu Film" created this rousing epic of a seemingly suicidal mission to destroy the Japanese Navy's flagship in 1937, featuring many great actors he had worked with over the years. Their courageous and desperate attempts to do just that comprise the remarkable action in this rousing epic, featuring some of the greatest actors Chang had ever made, was making, and would ever make famous. (IVL)
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Drama - The epic magical battle between fairies rages on as young martial artist Cheung risks his life to rescue the Sky Mussel Fairy. No good deed goes unpunished, however, and for his daring but foolish antics, Cheung is cast out of his uncle's safe home. Now, Cheung wanders a perilous world of gods and demons. Only his fighting skills can keep him safe in this kung fu fantasy from Ling Hsiang co-starring Ching Tien, Tony Wong and Candy Yu. - Yuan-Shen Huang, On-On Yu, Amy Chum
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Filme com elenco de grandes estrelas das Artes marciais, que retrata um dos eventos mais importantes da história do Kung-Fu: A destruição do Templo Shaolin durante a Dinastia Qing. Mostra o porquê da admissão de pessoas comuns no Templo e seu treinamento nos vários estilos do Kung-Fu. Mostra ainda, com grande realismo, os fatos que antecederam ao massacre, a história das pessoas envolvidas, a incrível batalha que culminou na destruição do Templo, e os heróis desta saga. Um grande clássico do Kung-Fu.
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Director Ho Meng-hua is one of Shaw Studio's most versatile directors. He's helmed romances, mysteries, award-winning dramas, contemporary action films, historical costume dramas, fantasies, and, finally, popular swordplay movies. The title character in this one is a chivalrous thief who raises the jealous ire of the rival Red Shirt Gang. There's plenty of action in this adventure, which sweeps from the plains to the mountains ... to the sound of slashing swords.
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Li Ching, Szu Wei and Tsung Hua in an eternal romantic triangle in which a girl has to choose between two men: a poor but upright lad who will marry her for love or a handsome suitor who is after her father's money.
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The surface of the Earth is under attack, thousands of people are killed in this unprovoked attacked. The cause, Princess Dragonmon and her army of monsters have decided to invade. Princess Dragonmon is an alien whose race has been hiding under us for centuries waiting to attack and the time is right. A doctor has been preparing for something like this and turns his assistant Rayma into the cyborg hero known as Inframan. Now only Inframan stands between the Earth and Princess Dragonmon but when a close friend is captured and brainwashed, can she be stopped with this inside man feeding her info?
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Os agentes Matthew Johnson (Albert Popwell) e Melvin Johnson (Caro Kenyatta) desaparecem durante uma missão em Hong Kong. Cleopatra Jones (Tamara Dobson) então se une ao investigador local Mi Ling (Tanny) e logo descobre uma ligação do caso com a "Dama do Dragão", dona de um cassino que, na verdade, controla uma poderosa rota de tráfico de drogas. O filme faz parte do Blaxploitation, movimento da década de 1970 que tinha como objetivo elevar o trabalho de atores e cineastas negros.
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Abortion, birth control and unwed cohabitation are social issues rarely associated with 1970's Hong Kong cinema. Cohabitation not only faces them head on but does so with insight, compassion and sex!
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Based on one of China's enduring epic novels, written in the 14th century, "All Men Are Brothers" continues the patriotic story of righteous warriors battling despotic leaders, featuring mythic characters familiar to every Chinese, and with a cast that has achieved an equally celebrated status among Shaw Brothers devotees.
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Shaw Brothers comedy.
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Danny Lee is Hsu Chih-yuan, the youngest son of strict patriarch Hsu Hui-tang (Cheng Miu). A sailor, Chih-yuan incurs his father's wrath when he tells the latter of his girlfriend Susan's (Ai Ti) pregnancy. Pressured to leave her by his father, Chih-yuan finally agrees to continue his studies overseas. Eldest brother Chih-wen (Ling Yun) volunteers to raise money but ends up losing the family fortune in the stock market. It starts a roller coaster of tragedies for the family that ends with bitter disillusionment for Chih-yuan. It's a battle between tradition and youthful rebellion that leaves everyone a little poorer off.
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O exército do imperador desenvolve uma nova arma de guerra que permite eliminar os inimigos com eficiência a uma incrível distância. Ma Teng discorda dos métodos do exército e deserta para viver tranquilamente no campo, porém começa a ser perseguido pelo exército do imperador e precisa desenvolver um método para vencer a “guilhotina voadora”.
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Peter Cushing encarna mais uma vez o Professor Van Helsing nesta divertida colaboração do poderoso estúdio inglês da Hammer com a Shaw Brothers de Hong kong, combinando os gêneros terror e kung fu. Van Helsing conta a seus estudantes a respeito de uma vilarejo amaldiçoado na China, onde, todo ano, durante 7 luas, a região é atormentada por sete vampiros. O famoso caçador de vampiros é persuadido por uma família de experts em Kung Fu a ajudar a salvar os moradores.
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Hua Heng is a poverty-stricken aspiring painter whose day job involves painting the ads that go up on the sides of buildings. He and his buddies hang out in a makeshift gym set up in an abandoned building where they train and practice kung fu. His girlfriend is Gao Xin, a bar maid who is in debt to loan sharks. Into their lives comes Jiaji, who happens upon Hua Heng in a street fight with local thugs who'd made fun of the painting he's carrying and decides to help him out.
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Shih Hsin-chiao (Ling Yun) is a journalist who trained under mentor Lu Tao-jan (Chin Han). Lu's daughter, Chih-pai (Tien Niu) is infatuated with the good-looking and intelligent Shih, but Shih sees her only as a child. When he returns from a long stay abroad, he finds that things have changed. Chih-pai is now an attractive young woman in a relationship with rich boy (Wang Yu). A miscarriage and Lu's death throw Shih and Chih-pai back together again.
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A pacifist village is beset by bandits in this martial arts thriller. "Savage Five" hands-down rivals the ornateness of "Kid With The Golden Arm" and the twist-heavy "Five Deadly Venoms". The always great David Chiang plays a lesser version of his Rover character from "Duel Of The Iron Fist", and Ti Lung, looking incredible here, is at his physical best. Accolades to Chen Kuan Tai and Wang Chung in great sympathetic roles, too. A kung fu classic where the actual martial arts display takes a back seat to the mesmerizing story.
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Shatter, an international contract killer, has been assigned to assassinate the President of a small African country and collect his fee from a bank in the Far East. On arrival in Hong Kong his life is threatened and when the bank denies all knowledge of payment arrangements, he realises he has been drawn into a dangerous game where there are no rules. Amongst the players are the Mafia and several foreign intelligence services and the stakes being played for are deadly.
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Baseado na vida e aventuras do pirata Chang Pao Tsai, o filme segue ele e sua tripulação durante o ataque a um navio Inglês até uma vila numa baia próxima, onde o mesmo ajuda os aldeões e entra em conflito com autoridades locais.
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Ling Xi (David Chiang) is a rebellious youth whose liaison with underage girlfriend Cindy (Agnes Chan) is the spark which lights the eventual flame of his rebellion. Against the wishes of her parents, Ling Xi and Cindy move in together, and the two find a measure of bliss in their shared life. However, rumors circulate that Ling Xi is using Cindy as a means of financial support. After his brother Ling Zhao (Di Lung) returns Cindy to her parents, Ling Xi is branded an outcast. His anger only leads to spiraling bitterness, and finally employ in a triad gang which gives him the ability to release his frustration - which he does until the bitter end.
Scenic Artist
Set in the waning years of the Ching Dyansty, this dramatic, tragic, romantic, blood-soaked martial arts tale of betrayal and revenge explores one of the most sensational scandals in Chinese history and marked the true ascension of its director and actors to superstar status. In fact, Ti Lung won Taiwan's Golden Horse Award for Outstanding Performance as the challenging role of a jealous provincial governor who kills his friend in order to steal the man's wife.
Art Direction
Set in the waning years of the Ching Dyansty, this dramatic, tragic, romantic, blood-soaked martial arts tale of betrayal and revenge explores one of the most sensational scandals in Chinese history and marked the true ascension of its director and actors to superstar status. In fact, Ti Lung won Taiwan's Golden Horse Award for Outstanding Performance as the challenging role of a jealous provincial governor who kills his friend in order to steal the man's wife.
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Four Korean War veterans pool their talents to take on a venal drug smuggling gang.
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Three martial arts directors united for this unique anthology film. Yueh Feng writes and directs a clever love-and-kung-fu triangle, Cheng Kang both writes and directs kung-fu courtesans battling brigands, and the "godfather of the kung-fu film," Chang Cheh, creates a cliff-hanging, swashbuckling mini-movie with maxi-action.
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Man of Iron was positioned as something of a follow-up to Boxer From Shantung, the rise-and-fall story of Ma Yung Chen and it reunites the directors and some of the cast in a similar but much slighter tale of a lesser gangster's rise and fall in Shanghai. While the opening narration specifically recalls the events and tragic conclusion of BOXER, this one is set 20 years later in the same section of Shanghai but otherwise has nothing to do with the events or characters of the previous film.
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Lily Ho and Ling Yun are star-crossed lovers who suffer untold agonies before finally being united forever.
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Ti Lung, interpreta o mestre das artes marciais Wu Sung (O Herói que matou o tigre) que é acusado de assassinar sua cunhada adúltera e também seu amante, por isso é enviado para à prisão em Meng Chou. No campo de prisioneiros o filho do comandante (Shi), intercede a seu favor a fim de usá-lo para resolver seus problemas em um povoado no interior da floresta. Wu Sung recebe de bom grado a missão de derrotar um bandido local. Só que ele não sabe quem é o verdadeiro chefe do famigerado bandido, então tudo que parecia ser tão fácil se tornará uma missão realmente complicada.
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The longstanding rivalry between a music club and a sports club is compounded by their leaders' mutual interest in a girl.
Art Direction
Yan Zi Fei e Guan Yue Hua estão voltando para casa apaixonados e planejam contar a seus pais, mas assim que voltam descobrem que há um conflito entre as duas famílias. Guan Fun Lin está trabalhando com o Mestre Ogawa para ajudar os japoneses a tomar posse da floresta da família Yan - por meios justos ou não. Com o Mestre Yan se recusando a vender, Ogama continua sua trama, usando engano, traição e, em última instância, violência sangrenta para conseguir o que deseja.
Art Direction
Under false pretenses, Zhenzhen marries Mr. Lin, who happens to be her teacher. She wants to still study and wants to enroll in his school in Hong Kong. The head of the school agrees to this under the condition that they conceal the fact that they are married. Zhenzhen finds out right away that her husband is fawned over by the girls, they all have a crush on him, as also does the spinster librarian. However, Mr. Lin finds that that the boys in the school (they are late teens, 17 or so) really like Zhenzhen. This leads to hurt feelings, questions about fidelity and even, in Zhenzhen's case, innocuous dates with one of the boys who rides a motorcycle.
Art Direction
The corruption in the Sung Dynasty of 11th century China is so rampant that it inspires a band of Oriental Robin Hoods - the Honorable 108. Mountain bandits who nevertheless live by a scrupulous code of conduct, the Honorable 108 pledge to end the repression of the brutal overlords.
Art Direction
The Angry Guest is a direct sequel to Duel of Fists which had two long-separated brothers, Ti Lung and David Chiang, reuniting in Bangkok and running afoul of the local mob after Ti Lung, a boxer, beats the local favorite in the ring. In this film, the action shifts from Bangkok to Hong Kong to Japan and then back to HK as the brothers contend with a Japanese mob led by crime boss Yamaguchi, who is played by the film's director, Chang Cheh, in a rare screen appearance.
Art Direction
Durante a guerra japonesa, lutador pobre consegue destaque ao vencer um poderoso russo que se torna chefe do crime organizado. Quando um de seus amigos é assassinado, ele declara guerra no submundo, o que pode significar sua própria derrota.
Art Direction
O príncipe foi capturado por invasores, e para salvá-lo os heróis terão que passar por vários desafios, entre eles quatro poderosos guerreiros (o homem da água, o homem da terra, o homem da árvore e o homem do fogo) e uma ponte intransponível. Muita tensão e lutas magnificamente coreografadas em um dos filmes definitivos do mestre Chang Cheh.
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Sworn-brothers expert martial artists are the targets of a mysterious killer, which seems to bear a grudge against them for what happened several years ago.
Art Direction
Fan Ke, é um arquiteto de Hong Kong que viaja para Tailândia a pedido de seu pai moribundo e em busca de seu meio irmão perdido há muitos anos. As únicas pistas que ele têm é que seu irmão possui uma tatuagem no ombro e que ele hoje, é um lutador de Muay Thai. Se aventurando pelo mundo de Bangkok, fan ke fica amigo de Wen Li, um campeão agenciado por um desonesto promotor de lutas chamado Cannon e vence a luta, contrariando o desejo do promotor. O criminoso então captura um amigo de Wen Li para se vingar e acaba reunindo finalmente os dois irmãos, que resolvem enfrentar a organização de Quiang.
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A perennial Chang Cheh favorite, Anonymous Heroes focuses on two vagabond brothers, Meng Kang and Tieh who, in the search for fame and fortune, join in a rebellion against a provincial general. Used to shaking down local vendors for food and gambling away their limited funds, they are recruited by a local rebel leader who promises them a glorious adventure. The rebels plan is to steal a huge cache of new rifles set to be delivered to the barracks of the local army. With the help of an officer's daughter, their plan starts out well, but inevitably slips toward a heroic but tragic finale.
Art Direction
Tan Jen-chieh's life spins out of control when he’s forced into exile to clear his name following the murder of his adopted father. He's hunted in the streets. His lover, Butterfly, turns to prostitution. And his father's likely killer – a smooth operator known as the Rambler – is always lingering nearby. But before Tan and the Rambler can slit each other's throats, they learn they've been double-crossed and go two against everyone in a rage of double-edged vengeance.
Art Direction
Lei Li perdeu o braço direito em um duelo de espadas com o mestre de uma escola de artes marciais, há muito tempo atrás. Agora, ele é capaz de se defender bem com apenas o braço esquerdo, e as técnicas de kung fu que aprendeu. Também conta com a ajuda de seu amigo Chung-Chieng. Mesmo quando tudo parece impossível, ele prova que é um grande guerreiro.
Art Direction
Ling (Lo Lieh) and Guan are the Black and White Chiefs of the Eagle Escort security firm: during the opening credit sequence, we see them recover a stolen shipment of gold; by the time the credits have run, the two are literally knee-deep in bodies.
Art Direction
A young Kung Fu student seeks a reclusive teacher so that she may learn to defeat the evil Black Demon. She doesn't realize that the servant woman she befriends is actually the kung fu master she seeks. After Black Demons henchmen attack, the master reveals herself and eventually takes on the student to train her so that they may both defeat the villian. A love triangle complicates things when another student asks for training as well.
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David Chiang stars as a nightclub vocalist whose former criminal friends blackmail him into working with them again.
Art Direction
Tudo começa quando uma escola de artes marciais é invadida por uma gangue que domina o karatê. Depois de deixar vários alunos mortos e um lutador ainda principiante gravemente ferido, eles partem. Mas o homem que sobrou está sedento por vingança e nada melhor do que aprender diversas novas técnicas kung-fu para derrotar os adversários. Ao mesmo tempo, a gangue rival se alia a capangas chineses para impor uma lei de extorsão e de fraudes em jogos para ganhar dinheiro. Agora, o vingador usa uma mascara e está preparado para enfrentar todos os seus inimigos em um duelo que não vai deixar espaço para a piedade e de onde apenas os mais bem treinados e mais fortes podem sair com vida.
Art Direction
Depois de tentar estuprar a filha de um amigo do célebre mestre das artes marciais Liu Peng, Xiao Tianzun é pego e punido com uma marca no peito em forma de cruz. Anos mais tarde, Xiao Tianzun procurando por vingança mata Liu Peng, suas duas filhas e todos os seus discípulos, exceto o segundo aluno do mestre Liu chamado Lu Han, que decide se vingar quando descobre o que aconteceu. Para combater a Espada Venenosa de Xiao Tianzun, Lu Han deve encontrar a lendária Espada Preciosa. Durante sua jornada, Lu Han salva a donzela Peony que estava em perigo e entra em uma briga com o Mestre Geng Xian e alguns de seus capangas, todos ligados de alguma forma a Xiao Tianzun. Sem nunca ter visto Xiao Tianzun, Lu Han é enganado por ele que se coloca como um aliado para tentar roubar a Espada Preciosa. O final é em grande estilo, tendo um confronto de vida ou morte entre Lu Han e Xiao Tianzun.
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Durante o período de dominação Mongol na China, os filhos do Rei Lu Ke-yung são poderosos guerreiros conhecidos como os 13 Generais. Eles sempre lutam juntos para manter a unidade do reino contra ataques de bandidos e controlar as ameaças de facções rivais. Porém, inconformados após serem impedidos por seu irmão, Li Chun-xiao (David Chiang), de abusarem sexualmente de Tsui Yen (Lily Li), o 4º e 11º irmãos se unem traiçoeiramente a Chun Wen (Chan Sing), um oficial ganancioso ligado a um exército de rebeldes, para planejar a morte do Rei e a tomada do pode. Vingança, traição, combates espetaculares e ação levada aos limites são os ingredientes deste grande épico, realizado na "Época de Ouro" dos estúdios Shaw Bros.
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Yueh desempenha um cavaleiro justo que esta tentando impedir que os invasores Chin destruiam o seu país, impedindo doze medalhões de ouro de alcançar General Yueh.
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Jimmy Wang Yu gets to flex his dramatic muscles in this contemporary Lo Chen drama. Wang is a detective's son whose attempt to punish a swindler leaves him and his father in a thrilling final face-off.
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Durante os anos 20, na China, a esposa de um famoso ator de ópera é assediada por um chefe da máfia, que manda matar o artista de maneira brutal. Logo surge o irmão mais novo do homem, um violento e psicótico lutador, que resolve vingar a morte do ator.
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Fang Ying Qi foi a única sobrevivente do massacre de toda a sua família. Anos depois, já uma perita em artes marciais, ela recebe a missão de se juntar a um grupo de heróis que luta contra a invasão Jin na China. O que ela não esperava é que essa missão a colocaria frente a frente com os assassinos de sua família. Rodeada de espiões e intrigas, ela só encontra ajuda em Qin Shang Yi, líder da gangue dos mendigos.
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O famoso roteirista Chiang Shen tem a primeira chance de dirigir sua própria criação nesta película de ação eletrizante e intensa. Sua história retrata a busca de um manual deixado em duas partes pelo “Rei do Mundo Marcial” e que pode abalar o equilíbrio do mundo das Artes Marciais. Para recuperar as partes do manual o herói Guo Jiou Ru se habilita e promete se empenhar ao máximo para tentar resgatar as duas partes, mesmo sabendo que uma parte está em poder do “Rei do Submundo” e a outra nas mãos do famoso Deng Fei “O Tigre Voador”, entretanto sua tarefa não mostrará facilidade, uma vez que todos as pessoas envolvidas estão disposta a pagar qualquer preço para ter o manual completo, inclusive matar seus próprios aliados.
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O mestre Ying Ke-feng escolta carregamentos de prata para a capital todos os anos. Mas neste ano, em razão de uma doença, pede ajuda a dois jovens, o casal Hsiang Ting e Yun Piao-piao, sempre prontos a auxiliar seu mestre. No caminho, cruzam com Lo Yi, um viajante solitário muito hábil com a espada, que acaba por entrar em conflito tanto com Hsiang quanto com o Clã do Tigre Voador, um grupo de ladrões que planeja roubar o carregamento de qualquer maneira.
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In the mid-sixties Chang Cheh changed the face of female dominated films with his male dominated, violent kung-fu films. Dead End was the start of a new force that lasted 6 years, the first film to star David Chiang and Ti Lung under director Chang's discerning eye. The trouble all begins when Chen Hung-lieh's character disapproves of Ti Lung's character courting his sister.
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Lo Lieh é um chefe de policia dedicado de sua aldeia, que se se apaixona pela filha cega de um bandido que está causando caos pela sua região.
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Tu Cheng Kang (Guan Shan) teaches at the Ta Tap Middle School where pupils are delinquent. Tu’s class is the worst. As the headmaster and his fellow teachers are unable to cope with the unruly students, Tu is determined to win them over with kindness. He fails initially but does not despair. Kao Te Sheng (Chuen Yuen), nicknamed the One Eyed Dragon, is the chief troublemaker and leader. When Kao’s father, a coolie, faints at the wharf from over work, Tu takes him to the hospital and befriends him. The old man does not realize Tu is his son’s teacher and neither does Te Sheng realize that his teacher had saved his father, he continues to oppose Tu.
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Tu Chang (Peter Chen Ho)’s boss Yeh Kuang Lung (Liu Kei) thinks highly of him and is prepared to give him his daughter’s hand in marriage. Lan Fen (Pat Ting Hung), a company typist, is Tu’s sweetheart. She gets pregnant by him and threatens to tell the manager unless he’s prepared to do the right thing. Tu however is bent on marrying Jenny. When words fail to win Lan over, Tu murders her and hides her body in the wall of an abandoned villa. Tu weds Jenny but after his honeymoon finds that a lawyer named Huang Hsiung (Wang Hsieh) is investigating Lan Fen’s disappearance on behalf of her family.
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Ivy Ling Po plays the dedicated wife of a man being blackmailed for an illicit love affair, who uncovers a pit of deceit, double-crosses, extortion and murder after murder.
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A jewel thief decides to turn over a new leaf. He starts anew as a professional singer; but before long, the he becomes suspect again for a series of robberies. He sets up a trap to snare the copycat thief, but will it snare him instead?
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A mortal, a ghost and a fox fairy come together against evil in this supernatural wuxia film.
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Lily Ho, a secret agent out to thwart the sale of a powerful explosive to the wrong people. It’s a female, Chinese James bond.
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Bandidos furiosos estão estuprando e pilhando várias aldeias chinesas pacíficas até que o mestre dos dardos Liu Wen Lung junto com um aluno, seu filho e o servo empreende uma jornada em busca da quadrilha para vingar sua esposa assassinada.
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Spring Blossoms is a parable about the Chinese youth culture and what's important to the younger generation when it comes to romance. It starred a new wave of seventies, Shaw's beauties, Lily Li, Shu Pei-pei and Essie Lin-chia as single women looking for love. It's a triple-decker romantic bus ride on a road to nowhere speeding toward a low bridge. Only Lily Li became successful via her martial-arts abilities, so awesomely featured in Jackie Chan's The Young Master.
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Jurang Bahaya film is a Malay film which was published in Malaysia in 1968. Jurang Bahaya issued in the form of black and white film without color .Jurang Bahaya film directed by director Low Wai in 1968 .
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A suave swinger and a cool chick have one half of a treasure map, the bad guys have the other half. Who will get the goods?
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Movie queen Ivy Ling Po is ideally cast as a male scholar in this historical Huangmei Opera romance. It’s a tragic love story between the scholar and a local beauty (played by Fang Ying). He polishes mirrors as a pretext to get closer to his love, who signals her approval by tossing him a bunch of lichees. From that point on the course of true love proves operatically rocky, complete with murder and suicide.
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Ivy Ling Po was at the height of her fame in traditional Huangmei Opera films -- and chiefly as a male impersonator -- when she radically changed her image, taking on an ultra-contemporary semi-musical role in Song Of Tomorrow. Ivy plays a dance hostess and leading man Chiao Chuang is a jazz drummer, but with a difference. Chiao is a heroin addict, and Ivy learns that heroin is a far more lethal adversary than "the other woman" when trying to keep their marriage intact.
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Hong Kong drama directed by Lo Chen.
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Zhang Shijie is an international spy, like James Bond, and has to seduce Julie Tan, the daughter of an organization’s leader in order to find their headquarters.
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Via an IMDb reviewer: "The plot involves a high-tech gang of thieves, a legit jeweler (Tang Ching) caught up in their racket, and a female jewel buyer who's actually a police agent..."
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Nora Zain is a spy from Malaysia that been assigned to defeat diamond syndicate in Asia.
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Hong Kong musical directed by Lo Chen.
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Part two of the wartime love story
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It's a powerful melodrama about a thwarted romance in 1930s Tientsin, China, during the Japanese occupation, and it stars Linda Lin Dai, one of the era's most popular stars. It was part of Golden Horse's 100 Greatest Chinese-Language Films.
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Uma quadrilha de perigosos bandidos rapta um oficial do governo e ameaçam matá-lo caso seu líder que esta preso não seja libertado. A agente do governo Golden Swallow é enviada para resgatar o oficial sequestrado, que é seu irmão. Mesmo com suas grandes habilidades nas Artes Marciais ela acaba precisando da ajuda de Drunken Cat, um beberrão que vive nas ruas, para enfrentar os bandidos liderados por um abade corrupto que domina uma técnica de kung-fu extremamente poderosa. O Grande Mestre Beberrão é considerado em todo o mundo um dos maiores, se não o maior, filme de Artes Marciais de todos os tempos, tendo revolucionado o gênero quando de seu lançamento.
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Spy thriller set in occupied Shanghai. Li Lihua stars as the woman who is thrust into the role of nationalist freedom fighter when she discovers that her husband is a collaborator with the Japanese.
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Shaw Brothers comedy.
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The tragic love triangle of early 20th century Peking Opera star Chiu Hai-tang, his beautiful stage partner, and the warlord who forces himself between them, has been a favorite with Chinese audiences for decades.
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The socialite Pai Li-Lan's life is disrupted when she contracts tuberculosis.
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War film set during the second Sino-Japanese war.
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The story centers on the passionate and turbulent romance between a tea-picker girl, Yu Lan, and a fisherman, Chun Yang.Complications soon arise when a love rival, Hu San Bao, appears.
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A musical set in Taiwan produced by the Shaw Brothers
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Chen Hou is a chauffeur who gets caught in a mistaken identity scandal linking him to businesswoman Lok Dai. Chen was supposed to audition for a job as her chauffeur, but a proposed musical show is far more attractive to the aspiring dancer. When a rumor gets out that the two are involved in an affair, she's angry and confronts him, but his charms overwhelm her, and it's revealed that she too desires to dance. Soon she's bankrolling the affair, the sets are being built, and the singing and dancing begin!
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Fan Chia-soo is a kind-hearted student whose heart is captured by the sweet song of Shen Feng-hsien. However, he is not the only one who has eyes for Shen. The General's henchmen are also determined to present the songstress to their superior as a gift. Fan received help from an unexpected quarter to save the woman he loves.
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A widow of four gave up two of her children to be raised by an uncle in Singapore. Many years later, just when the widow, now a house maid, is feeling contented by good news of her long gone son and daughter, she accidentally runs into his own son, now a lawyer, and ends up being looked down upon by him. It was a story about how traditional Chinese family and its value was impacted by the change of time. The movie depicted Macau in 1945 to Hong Kong in the mid-60s, moving from poverty after WWII to opulence. The human relationships became complicated and fragile. Many elements uniquely "Hong Kong", such as upper class Chinese, western religions, English speaking and a mixed-culture society are used to contrast the traditional, kind, enduring and forgiving love of a mother.
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To put her younger sister Huilan (Margaret Tu Chuan) through college, Huilian (Grace Ting Ning) became a taxi dancer and is despised by Huilan. Now married to a good husband (Guan Shan), the lonely Huilan falls for a man after her money. To protect her younger sister, Huilian puts herself at risk. Grace Ting Ning plays a sad role, as the noble sister who keeps her purity in a cesspool.
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The winning couple of Linda Lin Dai and Peter Chen Hu light up the screen in the delightful Shaw Brothers musical Love Parade!
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Li Qingqing, an orphan, just arrives in Hong Kong and becomes a singer who sacrifices everything for her man.