Lucy Freers has a long-standing marriage, a nine-year old daughter, and a great family life in the suburbs of Hollywood. Great, that is, until the Hollywood set decides that motherhood is the newest way to go. When local neighbor Julia Prentice, the wife of a famous movie actor, adopts a baby in full view of the show-business media, the parenthood craze hits its peak. Soon after, Julia is found lying dead in Lucy's swimming pool, with Lucy and her husband labeled as suspects. Now Lucy must determine the truth to clear the name of both herself and her family.
A gymnast moves to a gym where the top coach in the US is and has difficulties adjusting.
A former associate of Perry Mason returns to handle the defense of a world-class chess player accused of murdering a prominent TV personality.
A former associate of Perry Mason returns to handle the defense of a world-class chess player accused of murdering a prominent TV personality.
Grace, aos 5 anos, cria um amigo imaginário, pois seus pais só dão atenção ao novo bebê, Tony. Agora aos 35, seu amigo exclusivo reaparece para ajudá-la.
Dr Mark Sloan cannot believe that his former student Dr Drummond, an ambitious cosmetic surgeon, has committed suicide. Assisted by his team of hobby detectives, pathologist Amanda Bentley and junior doctor Jack Parker, Sloan tries to investigate the case. He finds out that Drummond and his senior partner, Dr Stern, had used plastic surgery to create a double of rich banker and benefactor Gantry, who is expected to make a major donation to the community hospital. Does Gantry also plan to have his double assassinated in order to vanish with the money himself?
Prudence, uma professora branca, decide aceitar como sua aluna uma garota negra. Começa aí uma série de retaliações a seu trabalho. Logo a escola de brancos se torna a primeira escola para garotas negras.
Brooke Adams plays a woman who has to put up with Brian Dennehy's character if she wants to get across a desolate section of Africa. They fight and naturally sparks fly.
No primeiro, Alan se apaixonou por Madison, uma bela sereia, e por isso deixou tudo e foi para o mar. Depois de algum tempo juntos, Madison percebe que Alan não está feliz e os dois voltam a terra. Juntos tem que se adaptar a nova realidade e encarar: o negócio quase falido, uma vizinha intrometida e ainda tem que salvar um golfinho das mãos de um cientista.
After a psychopath murders a man who was on his way to a job as a deputy sheriff in a small California town, he assumes the deputy's identity and arrives in town to start his new 'job'. What he doesn't know is that the recently appointed sheriff and his mistress are plotting to murder her evil husband—and blame it on the new deputy.
An intelligent, fearless boy living in a superstitious Transylvanian village goes out into the world to figure out what everyone else is afraid of, "the shivers." A king hires him to rid his castle of ghosts and evil spirits, expecting him to die like all who have tried before him, but the boy is more fearless than he could have known.
Os encontros e desencontros dos jovens no acampamento de verão Camp Sasquatch: a visita de um alienígena, que os transforma em heróis; as fracassadas investidas amorosas da conselheira de moças e o aprendizado sexual de uma inexperiente garota. Além disso, uma luta de boxe é programada contra o acampamento rival, Camp Patton, para decidir a posse de um lago cobiçado por ambos.