Andrew Blumenthal

Andrew Blumenthal


Andrew Blumenthal


Moonwalkers: Rumo à Lua
Em julho de 1969, está para acontecer um grande feito para a humanidade: o homem vai pisar na Lua. Só que há o receio de que a Apollo 11 não consiga pousar pousar, assim, um agente da CIA (Ron Perman) é enviado a Londres para encontrar o cineasta Stanley Kubrick e pedir que ele filme um pouso falso na Lua caso o real falhe. O agente não consegue achar Kubrick mas encontra Jonny (Rupert Grint), um agente fracassado de uma banda de rock hippie. Juntos, eles embarcam na infeliz missão de fazer um filme.
The Clearstream Affair
Arthur Andersen's senior auditor
Journalist Denis Robert sparked a storm in the world of European finance by denouncing the murky operations of banking firm Clearstream. His quest to reveal the truth behind a secret world of shadowy multinational banking puts him in contact with an ever-expanding anti-corruption investigation carried out by Judge Renaud Van Ruymbeke. Their paths will lead them to the heart of a political/financial intrigue, which will rock the foundations of Europe and the French government itself.
My Way
Frank Sinatra's Manager (uncredited)
A biopic of French pop star Claude Francois, most famous for co-writing the song 'My Way'. Tracing his life from his childhood in Egypt through his success in France to his untimely death in Paris in 1978.
A new old story