Der 37-jährige Bamberger Brauerei-Marketingmanager Pitschi Greulich will weder mit seiner Freundin Sabine Kinder kriegen noch das von den Eltern geforderte Eigenheim bauen und schon gar nicht zum elften Mal in Folge mit seinen Kumpels in den Mallorca-Urlaub düsen. Also disponiert Pitschi am Flughafen kurzfristig um und landet mit einem Mal in Argentinien, wo er gedenkt, ein neues Leben zu beginnen. Doch in der Ferne merkt der krisengebeutelte Thirtysomething, dass all das, was er eigentlich sucht, längst zu Hause auf ihn wartet.
Tinas neuer Freund
Based on Tommy Jaud's bestselling novel, this comedy focuses on a dispassionate clerk and his set-backs in life. 29-year-old Simon works in a phone shop, but his thoughts just circle around finding a new girl-friend after being left by his last one year ago. While his Croatian cleaner tries to procure him, his efforts to chat up women in clubs also fail. However, he finds the woman of his dreams (and mother of their future children) in his most hated coffee shop, although not having a clue how to win her heart...
Based on Tommy Jaud's bestselling novel, this comedy focuses on a dispassionate clerk and his set-backs in life. 29-year-old Simon works in a phone shop, but his thoughts just circle around finding a new girl-friend after being left by his last one year ago. While his Croatian cleaner tries to procure him, his efforts to chat up women in clubs also fail. However, he finds the woman of his dreams (and mother of their future children) in his most hated coffee shop, although not having a clue how to win her heart...
Based on Tommy Jaud's bestselling novel, this comedy focuses on a dispassionate clerk and his set-backs in life. 29-year-old Simon works in a phone shop, but his thoughts just circle around finding a new girl-friend after being left by his last one year ago. While his Croatian cleaner tries to procure him, his efforts to chat up women in clubs also fail. However, he finds the woman of his dreams (and mother of their future children) in his most hated coffee shop, although not having a clue how to win her heart...