Standby Property Master
Em 1988, o vendedor americano de vídeo games Henk Rogers descobre o Tetris. Quando ele se propõe a levar o jogo para o mundo e se depara com uma perigosa teia de mentiras e corrupção por trás da Cortina de Ferro.
Art Direction
Um grupo de cinco amigas aventureiras viaja até Recife, região nordeste do Brasil, para conhecer as ruínas de uma cidade subaquática, no litoral da cidade. No entanto, durante o passeio pelo fundo do mar, elas descobrem que não estão sozinhas e os verdadeiros "moradores" do local não estão muito satisfeitos com as visitas.
Art Direction
Based on the real story of Tom and Nicola Ray from Rutland. Their perfect life is totally ruined in a single moment after Tom had developed sepsis. While her husband was in coma, Nicola gave birth to their second child on the other side of the same hospital. Within a matter of days, sepsis would rob Tom of both his arms and legs, and left his face severely disfigured. As an ordinary man, Tom never put himself at risk — he just woke up two months later in a nightmare, a face-off quadruple amputee... This incredible story of survival shows what can be overcome when love is unconditional.
Art Direction
Polar Bear pursues an act of violence as it ricochets through time. From Aaron as a young boy first encountering the bear, to ten years on, where his own rage finally explodes. Then over four more years on, a now young adult Aaron encounters Lea, both bound to and haunted by the same ghost of violence.
Art Direction
It follows a Texas Ranger Jane as he is recruited by British Intelligence to track down a dangerous terrorist and stop him from attacking London.