Jaime Estrada


Esmeralda’s Twilight
With the death of her husband and the absence of her son, Esmeralda has lost interest in life. Living in a small town, within the walls of her house, she regains hope when a baby pig comes into her life.
O Eleito
Cabaret Waiter
Em 1937, o revolucionário espanhol Ramón Mercader treina para ser espião soviético e se passar por um belga rico como parte de um plano para assassinar Leon Trotsky no México.
Sucesos distantes
don Vicentito
One couple (Carlos & Irene) are having troubles, because he suspects that Irene's hiding something about her past in Russia. To make things worst her ex-husband goes to Mexico and tells Carlos that her other ex-husband also is going to claim her as his property.